Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Happy Birthday & WWW Farmers Market & Church at the Beach

One of my besties is having a Birthday Today, she is an amazing friend and bloggy friend. You know people come into your life at special time and keep you smiling. When I'm down she knows and I have no clue how and something arrives in the mail or email, she really makes my day more then she will ever know.
She is an awesome blogger that is faithful at commenting and recognizing new followers. Please stop by to my friend Amy and meet her beautiful family and wish her a happy birthday too.
Thank you my friend you have made me cry and smile and feel loved all in one, I am truly blessed to have you!
Saturday I was still having the stupid effects of this cold, it just doesn't want to leave me. It's moved to just a cough but the coughing is killing me and making me pooped. I worked Saturday am and then wanted to hit the farmers market. We're in need of some fresh veggies and I rather not pay an arm and a leg for them.
The Market has some great vendors also. The boys got baloon animals (thanks to my friend who bought them). The boys played a while on the play set. Then check out those photos, this lady is amazing she takes things around the place that look like letters and make words. It was beautiful.
My second stop was to the apple farm, ok yes I'm a dork and thought we could pick apples at this time. STOP laughing, I'm a dork. (We won't mention the rude little kid that wouldn't share his bread with the younger ones). But the kids did get to feed the chickens at the farm. Then home for mom to sleep.
Sunday our church did Church at the Beach. I had the boys in shorts we got there it was so freaking cold, I had to run home to get jeans and sweatshirts. Sadly the hamburgers were like hockey pucks ... yuck and EVERYONE brought potato salad ... ugh! The kids sure did have fun and of course got totally wet. Before heading home we stopped by a lot in front of the military base for the air-show they had going on. I was feeling so yucky I had to head home and sleep some more. I'm so exhausted from coughing.

Yes a busy weekend and a very tired mom. I'm still worn out, the cough is better but it just is finally catching up to me. The sleepless coughing nights are really taking a toll on me. Plus Saturday I had some news that really hurt me, I'm working threw it right now.


  1. Sounds like some one at church didn't organize and make a list so everyone didn't bring potato salad. lol. Looks like the boys enjoyed the food though!

  2. It looks like fun, but I'm sorry you're still suffering from the effects of the cold. If you want to talk about anything, let me know. Hugs!

  3. OH I just loved seeing all of those chickens right???
    What is it your turn to make me cry? Thanks for such a wonderful post. I am so touched and glad we are Poser friends for sure.. I am besties yeah..
    By the way it was great to see your Poser face today. I am now famous I made it on your blog.. What a great Posers we are.. Love ya and hugs..

  4. Wow busy girl! Hope your cough is all cleared up soon.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner

  5. WoW ~ you did a lot, despite not feeling well. I am so impressed that your boys were walking along the edge of the water and weren't soaking wet (like all four of mine would have any age!)

  6. My boys would have been soaked, too, but yours seemed to be exploring every inch :) Looks like you had a great weekend!

  7. You know I'm thinking about you.
    Hockey pucks and too many potatoes. Gee, and you didn't invite me?


  9. hmmm.. church at the beach.. how rather interesting.. i always have to SIT IN the church.. lol

    really really hope you get to feeling better... it totally sucks being sick in the summer..

  10. Hope you get some rest and get to feeling better.

    I love the farmer's market. There's just nothing like fresh veggies. You're not a dork about the orchard - some of our local ones have apples already.

  11. There were a lot of chickens out there, but no apples, I guess. I sure hope your cough goes away quickly!

    Amy's birthday?? Oh yay!

  12. Sounds like it was a great weekend except for the cold. Sorry about the apples :) (sorry, it's funny)

  13. sorry to hear you are still sick.. colds this time of year suck.. hope the boys had a delightful time though.. i hate colds this time of year.. its been to hot here for colds..

  14. Girlie I hope everything is ok! Hope you feel better too :)

  15. Wow! You have been busy! Hope you feel better soon.

  16. Isn't Amy just amazing? She is wonderful. Sounds like a busy weekend for sure!

  17. Wow you are super busy! Fingers crossed you feel better soon - go drink some Vitamin D!

    And yeah... I had to giggle at the apple picking. Sorry.

  18. You always do great things with your kids, I know that they love everything you do with them.
    So sorry you had a sad thing happen to you, you are too kind a person for that to happen to you. Know that I have you in my prayers.

  19. You do know that it's OKAY for them to have some down time and be creative (or be bored) so you can feel better and get well? Your body needs that! :) It's okay to do for you too! :) Don't forget that friend!

  20. That's too bad that you're still sick. I hope you feel better soon. Looks like another awesome weekend with family! :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!