Monday, July 5, 2010

Make Something Monday ... Crock Pot Pork Chops (Sweet & Sour Taste)

Wowzer the weekend flew by and with a Holiday I'm barely getting a moment to sit down. So it's time to pull into my predone recipes I have for my emergency Monday :). This is a recipe I made probably a year ago, yes I have recipes to post from that long ago. Hello I try to make at least 4 or 5 new ones a week and share 2 a week so I have so overlap ... hehe :).

This is a great one for today since we're all tired from staying up last night and who the heck wants to cook on a PAID Holiday, oh yes doing a jig! So here you go easy one for the crock pot!

Make Something Monday

As you may know by now I'm all about the easy and quick but must be tasty! I found this amazing recipe on my new best online buddy... LOL. It's super easy and really does taste like Sweet and Sour!
Add green pepper
(Yes and the liner)
Add onions
Add a cup of brown sugar
Add a 3/4 cup of ketchup
Add Pork Chops
Safeway was having one heck of a deal!
$1.35 lb! Yup it went from $35.03 to $10.98 my kind of deal
Enough for 3 meals!
Stir it all up!
Ok she says not to stir, but I just couldn't help myself
We love garlic so I added some
Ok already! Cook on low for 8 hours.
Come home and it's smelling so so yummy
So tender the bones fell right off!
Served over rice!

Layer sliced green pepper, sliced onion, pork chops (uncooked and boneless). Add another layer of green pepper (sliced) and another layer of sliced onion. DO NOT STIR, just layer.

Completely cover with lots of brown sugar and then cover all with ketchup. Cook on low heat all day. Tastes like sweet and sour pork.


  1. Oh YUM! This looks delicious Alexis and I love that it's in the slow cooker! No heating up the kitchen on a hot summer day. I hope you had a great 4th of July and enjoy your paid holiday today! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog while I was out of town. I really appreciate it and can't wait to poke around yours a bit more!

  2. Oh boy back to pork on Mondays.. Enjoy.. Hope you had a great weekend. Poser..

  3. hoo-weee...
    it ain't good that you can manage to make me hungry at 11:30 in the morning... haha!
    this looks fab and delish!


  5. OMG this looks and sounds delicious. I'm so gonna try this receipe. Thank you:)

  6. This looks amazing - can't wait to give it a try!

  7. That couldn't get any easier, could it.
    Looks yummy!

  8. I will have to try this when I get home. Yum!

  9. Oh I love this :) awesome girlie as always!!!

  10. I love cooking pork in the crock pot (and OH YEAH with the liner, LOVE those) because it makes them SO tender!!
    This recipe sound so good, minus the onions of course, in our house.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!