Monday, July 19, 2010

Make Something Monday ... Taco Soup

Make Something Monday
Looking for a quick and easy dinner! Do you the people in you life love taco's? Well here is the best of all worlds. Rick loves Taco Soup and Cole loves Chili and this was a cross between them. Enjoy!


    2 lbs. Extra Lean Ground Beef,
    1 Pack of Taco Seasoning,
    1 Pack of Ranch Seasoning,
    2 Cans of Mexican Stewed Tomatoes,
    1 Can of Tomatoe Sauce,
    2 Cans of Shoepeg Corn,
    2 Cans of Dark Red Kidney Beans


Brown and drain hamburger Meat. Add all other ingredients in a big pot with hamburger meat. Heat to a boil and then simmer for about 30 minutes. Serve with Light Tortilla Chips.

To reduce sodium, you can use dry beans and make your own tomato sauces.

Number of Servings: 6


  1. Looks good to me!

    It took me a minute to realize that you hadn't added spaghetti, but shredded cheese. (Tired today? Who, me?)

  2. THis looks delicious! But I have a stupid question...what is shoepeg corn?

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  3. oh i SO KNOW i would looove this.. def will be trying this one out.. happy monday!!

  4. This looks SO good! I love anything taco so I have to try this!

  5. mondays would never be the same if you did not have a tasty recipe for us, mmm thanks xx

  6. That looks and sounds absolutely delicious -- definitely going to make some. But what is Shoepeg Corn? I've never heard that term before?

  7. Looks really yummy! Saving this for dinner later this week! Thanks.

  8. Yum this sounds delicious....something great for cold winters nights!

  9. Sounds good.. I will have to post in a few days my MILs beef soup.. She taught me a while back.. Some people may not like how she does it but its good.. I will post it and you can copy and paste it here if you want or link me to your site and people can see for themselves.

  10. this is an amazing find for sure.. I so want to try it..

  11. Oooo that sounds good. It would be PERFECT in a crockpot with this heat. Yum!

  12. I love taco soup :) thanks for reminding me to make some :)

  13. You are speakin' my language here sister! I made this not too long ago because a friend brought us some after I had Ben. It's like CRACK man! Seriously, criminally delicious! We ate ours with homemade, fresh cornbread. MMMMMMm


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!