Thursday, July 29, 2010

Maximum Lash Eyelash Conditioner Review

Nothing is better then getting things that make you feel pretty, as I've mentioned before I have very light and thin eyelashes why I must use mascara so you can see my eyes.

Now this is something you need to be diligent on, put it by your toothbrush and do it EVERY night. In about 4 - 6 weeks you will see a change! Now don't worry one bottle will last you about 3 months! Even something to think about is your eyebrows! I can't be the only one that when I was younger was attacked by a butcher who left me with thin hairless eyebrows. Oh yes everytime I get a make over they try to send me home with more eyebrow pencils then I know what to do with.

Maximum is waterbased and can even be used with fake eyelashes! But after using this you won't be needing them anymore! Move over Brooke Shields, my eyes will be just as stunning :).

BUY IT: 2.2ml bottle $48.95, now slow down it last for 3 months. Daily average is 53 cents!!! Now how can you beat that! Now head over to Maximum Lash to pick one up for yourself.

Check out these before and after shots from their site:

Before After

I received a product to test, for my honest opinion. No monetary value was given.


  1. always wondered about this sorta stuff :)

  2. The before/after pictures do look convincing. Like KiraAJ, I always wondered if products like this really work.

  3. I can actually see the difference in my eyes now. Once all my giveaways are caught up I'm gonna do another post.


    hope that you have a smiling day!
    Enjoy if you like some...

  5. That stuff sounds really cool and I like that it's water based, sounds like it doesn't have the awful side effects that the stuff Brooke Shields uses.
    I can't wait to see how your eyes look in 3 months. :-)

  6. It is essential to use only top quality eyelash growth products especially that these will be used on of your body’s most sensitive parts.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!