Tuesday, July 13, 2010

WWW ~ Caden's Party & New Screens

OMGosh so Saturday was one busy day I got up to work at 6am. Then off to pick up last minute items and off to mom and dad's house. Thankfully started the party at 2p so plenty of time to get it set up and we really didn't have a lot to do. The day was hot and the lake was a perfect setting for the party. It turned more into a beach party and it took a little prodding to get me back on track. I know I became one of the parties I hate! Thankfully the lake and swimming kept everyone busy!
Rick took the kids in the paddle boat and on one of the jetskis. People like me sat on the beach part and enjoyed the sun and didn't hop in the lake. And no people I didn't bring a suit because a I don't have one that fits right now and b I'm not much of a swimmer. I have a thing about taking a shower afterwards. Since shower at mom's requires a 30 min suigy of the shower stall I didn't. So people who kept thinking it was because I was not wanting to show of my curvy body in suit that was not the case! I hope this will stop the freaking comments :).
Some shots of me and birthday boy, Mount Rainer, Party Goers and My GF Christina & Me.
Birthday food!
Mom's watermelon shaped like a whale
Dad cooking hot dogs, Kid & Adult dogs :)
My Sand Cup Pudding
Mom's Cake for Caden
I got home and felt the cold coming on :( and Caden got a little to sunburned. He did get a nap threw the party ... hehe we couldn't even wake him for cake or presents. So no 2nd job for me Saturday night and I missed church on Sunday. I'm still having coughing fits and trying to kick it.
And newest home project:
Rick making screens for my windows.
I think he was tired of the flys coming in.
Wow there we have it! I'm still trying to recover, hope you all had a GREAT weekend.


  1. a fantastic day had by all, great pics, thanks for sharing..

  2. The party sounds like fun! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. Looks like a great day for everyone. So fun. Ours is this Saturday....been making my list all week. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. What a fun party he had. Hooray for the screens! So sorry about the cough, feel better soon. ((HUGS))

  5. Wow sounds like you have had a busy weekend. Glad to hear you have screens on your windows! I hate having flies in the house.
    Sounds like a wonderful party and I am sorry that we missed it (we were up on Orcas). Next time for sure! Oh and next time you are sweating it out just remember...Rachael has coffee AND Air Conditioning!

  6. Looks like a jammin' party ... sucks that you got sick!

  7. Holy Heck when you party, you get creative don't you. and I still have the weebie jeebies seeing that knife on the screen. It is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me, that sound.

  8. Being sick sucks! I hope you feel better soon! Great pictures! Looks like loads of fun!

  9. We have quite a few screens we need to mend and repair. Somehow, that never makes it to the top of my hubby's honey-do list!

  10. That looks like a great party! You must really be feeling badly if you missed work and church. :(

  11. I hope you get feeling better! And hello? Your husband is MAKING screens? Dang, he is one talented dude!

  12. ahhh! looks like an awesome day! wish i were at the lake right now.. or better yet.. the beach would def do!!!!

  13. The party looked so fun! My type of party. I am so glad it was a nice day. Cute cakes and fun food. Loved the watermelon. Hope you get feeling better soon!!

  14. I love the idea of a beach party! You did it up right. No wonder you were all worn out after the fact.

    I'd be wanting to keep the bugs out too!

  15. I hope you feel better.
    Looks like you had a blast.

    Your mom's view looks like my hubby's friend's view. They live in Yelm

  16. Hey I hope everyone leaves my Poser alone about her suit.. I think you are beautiful.. I loved the cakes and the whale. What a fun Birthday.. Happy to see Rick working on the house.. Have a great day..

  17. It looks like fun was had by all - and what a great whale carving. That was such a great idea. I love it!

    Love the new glasses, too!

  18. What a great party - the kids look like they had a great time. You had a perfect day for it, I know Cole will remember all you did for him.
    It's great that you have such a handy hubby. Pretty soon your house is going to be all brand new!
    BTW, I love your necklace!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!