Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WWW ~ Happy 4th of July!!!

It was a kind of a lazy weekend. Saturday I think I reached my breaking point and just didn't want to move. After working I was just spent, I think the months of pulling it all finally caught up with me.
Sunday it was Church, BBQ at Church and then up to my parents house on the lake for fireworks!
Dad set up the BBQ pit for Marshmallows!
Of course mom made S'mores!!!!
Hot Dogs on the BBQ
Kids love playing at the lake front.
Boys played with the jet ski ramp.
Yes they even lowered Rick into the water!
Then firework time, yes it RAINED almost the whole time.
We didn't pick up any this year just used some from last year
& Watched everyone else's money go up in smoke ;)
Finally we got hot weather here!
Set up one pool that the sides won't stay up!
Ok Plan B Hard Plastic Pool!
Sorry it's a quick one today I'm off because Monday was a day off! Whoo Hoo so I'm playing catch up!


  1. Glad you got to take a little time off this weekend! You needed it!

  2. Glad you got to take a break! Looks like a fun time!

  3. Sounds wonderful and a well deserved fun weekend!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful 4th of July weekend.

  5. You had a nice weekend. Love the fireworks.. Oh that pool is too funny.. Sorry..

    I am hosting my Round Robin on Friday if you have any giveaways going on..

  6. glad you got to relax a bit.. you totally deserve like no one else!!!

    great pics!!

  7. Great pictures! Looks like y'all had a great 4th! It has been so hot here that we've been in the water almost every single day since the middle of May, I can't wait for Fall at this point lol.

  8. Nothing like melted marshmallow and kids to make a day complete!

  9. Sounds like a pretty good weekend...mmm smores... I haven't had those in AGES. I might have to make some just for fun!

  10. oh wow! Looks like an amazing time you had!

  11. I love picture catch-ups. They are too cute. It looks like it was an awesome day!

  12. Looks like it was allot of fun.
    Too bad it rained. We finally got some sun today :)

  13. I had to take out pool down last week.. It collapsed on us. We need to level hte back yard out to put the pool back up next year. Its not worth it this year.. Not for another month and then having to take it back down again.. But glad you had a good 4th of july. We almost got rained out of the fireworks down town but I got video's up of them if they will wokr for you this time around.
    sorry the last one didnt work..

  14. So good to hear you had a day off!! I hope you were able to enjoy it!

    Looks like you had a wonderful 4th of July! We finally got some water play in here too, but the heat can let up...5 days of 90 degree weather with no AC is getting old ;-)

  15. Do you ever do anything that's not fun? Your house rocks!

  16. Looks like ton of fun (as always) :)

  17. Looks like it was a really great time!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  18. You have got to love gooey marshmallows:) Glad to see you had a nice Fourth!

  19. Fun! I was just telling Gary how much I'd love to see fireworks over the lake or ocean someday... Smores along with it would be heaven!! =)
    Glad you had Monday off mama, you deserve it!

  20. Looks like a nice time was had by all. The smores pics are making me crave some. May have to do that this weekend at camp.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!