Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WWW ~ Me time and Even a Date Night

Well it was one heck of a weekend as always. I set out to take care of me, I've been putting myself off for sometime and knowing that if I don't feel good about me then I'm not doing any good for anyone around me.
Saturday after work I was surprised by my parents stopping by to take the boys for a few hours. My prayers had been answered! They took them over to my grandfather's estate to run around and I got some me time. Then surprise #2 my friend texted me to see what I was doing, she headed up and we hit the town. We got pedi's it was so nice to sit and talk and enjoy adult time!! She got a parfin wax on her hands also :). I took advantage of it and got my eyebrows waxed! Then taking full advantage we hit the hair salon to get my hair cut, had a little weight so we hit subway for lunch. What a heck of a day! Oh yes mom and Christina bought me coffee, talk about a Heaven Sent Day!!!
Fun things with the boys, the airforce base had an air show the last weekend, so the boys set up their own airshow on my fence :). Caden who loves rocks is now a klepto and "borrowed" some from the empty lot next door ... yes I made him take them back. Caden decided to roller skate around the house, as I hear a click click down the hall to see this :). Our neighbor buddy came over, we're sure going to miss them they move this weekend :(.
Hair cut time for Cole, when asked why Caden didn't get one I tell everyone to hide his bruises one day that boy will learn to walk. Cole started VBS down the street, our church's program was wrapped with the daycare and $500 so we went for the church down the street. He is LOVING it!!
Sunday I thought I'd do a quick weeding and revamp on my garden and yard. 3 hours later and missed church I got the bed cleaned up and had a few bugs stop by to say hi, even a frog but I couldn't catch him before he jumped.
Then Dad called and invited us up to the lake. Yeah I even went to Avenue to pick up a swimsuit since they were half off. Take that everyone who has been on me about buying a suit. Caden hates the water he's so like me :). Mom hates that I read, she rather chit chat me I take the time to read and enjoy :). Dad even made me a bloody mary, it was a great day!
Monday was our 7 year anniversary, my dad bless his soul was being so sweet and called and offered to take the boys again! God was answering my prayers this weekend. We ended up using the last of our GC at Anthony's and even got to meet up Dad and the boys for a walk around the river.
What a full packed weekend, I'm so glad I got some me time and even a date night. Working forward and hoping we are moving in a great direction.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you had some time to take care of yourself, and also a date with your hubby. I'm glad to see you smiling. :)

  2. Awww, I love these pictures and what a nice post!!! Date night rules!!!!!! Would you like to come do my garden?????? Happy Anniversary!!!

  3. Sweet! What a great weekend! Happy anniversary! :D

  4. What a weekend!!! Glad you got a date night!!! Happy WW!

  5. A pedi with a friend sounds wonderful! I'm glad you enoyed some me time. The rest of your weekend sounds fantastic too :)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Glad you enjoyed yourself. :)

  7. you are parents WERE being so sweet... and i am looovin those toes!!

  8. That was a packed weekend! Sitting with a girlfriend and having a pedi. Perfect. Loved your pics today too! (as always)

  9. great pictures! I'm jealous of all the pampering! :)

  10. It's good you took some time for yourself. That is very necessary. Looks like you had another packed weekend!

    Glad the package arrived!

  11. I am so glad to hear you got to take care of yourself for once! You are constantly on the run with the boys and all the other stuff you do that you definitely deserved some "me" time!!

  12. I'm all tears, this post is filled with so many blessings. I am so happy for you. Great day with a friend. Time at the lake. Love the photo of Caden in the skates :)
    Nice haircut for Cole and a date night too! You were blessed.

  13. What a fun weekend. Plus all of the me time for you is amazing.. I hope you have a wonderful day.. Love the new pictures of you. You look amazing..


  15. U deserve it sweetie! So glad u had a fab wkend!

  16. Time for you and time with the hubs...perfect!

  17. Happy anniversary! Cole looks like a handsome young boy with his new haircut.

  18. How terrific that you got to spend a day with your friend and get your pedi. I know you really wanted one and needed the time to relax.
    I'm also glad that your dad had you guys up at the lake. I know Cole loves spending time with him there. To those people (even mom) who complain about you not wanting to wear a bathing suit: let me at them! Screw them and tell them to mind their own business!!
    I am also so happy that you and Rick got to spend some happy and alone time together, you really needed that. Happy Anniversary.
    Although it seems like a really busy weekend, it looks like it was a great time.
    BTW, I love that your toes match your glasses and your shoes are adorable!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!