Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WWW ~ VBS & Beach Time w/ Bapa

What a crazy week here, Cole was able to attend a VBS down the street. It was at a local church that was like 5x the size of ours. Our church had the VBS connected with the daycare and wanted $500 so out of my budget, so plan B (it's church people not that type of plan) for him.

Friday they had the wrap up with a BBQ and Blow up toys! This was so GREAT!!
Saturday my dad did a surprise stop by to take the boys to my grandfathers estate (P.S. NO it didn't sale :( so he had to go check on it). Dad showed up about a 1/2 hour before I was to finish up with work, so he offered to wait to take me!!! I so miss my daddy time and was excited to go. My dad means the world to me and I love to be able to just hang out with him and talk!

First Stop was breakfast.
Which lead to me making Eggs Benedict (click for recipe)!
Then at the estate to check the property
Under the house
and in the house!
Even feed the squirrel "Squirky" Cole named him
Then dad took us to the beach!
Fay Bainbridge was so pretty w/ lot's to do.
We played, explored and laughed.
Sunday was church and then we had a meeting to go over the carnival I'm in charge of. Guess what instead of after church it was at 6pm yes 6 hours after church .... REALLY I have to come back! So thankfully Rick got off at 6p he swung by for the boys and we started the meeting. Of course it went everywhere except the carnival. Finally got people to focus and again kept stopping my me by this time my voice was starting to go. Thankfully my friend said she has all that already worked out if you would listen. TWO hours later the meeting is done, really 8pm on a Sunday!!! UGH then I wake up with no voice, talk about a knock in the pants!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!! Things are going good here we do have a person that being a mild pest that if they do not go away I will have to find other actions. They have already caused my family enough pain but they can't seem to let go and are still trying to cause problems. People really do they not have enough to do in their own life???


  1. sounds like a fun VBS..
    and i must say.. i think you may just have a VERY sweet dad too!

    and i really hope that other problem gets worked out... sometimes- other peeps sure can ruin... thinking of ya!

  2. VBS looked like lots of fun! MM the eggs looked delish sweetie! So u feeling any better yet? Get any garlic caps? Oh that sucks that the pain in the arse is still about... dont u just love how they latch on and just cant let go... Anyway sweetie hope u feel better and that the pest finally goes away...

  3. i'm gonna try that egg recipe - thanks for the link! awesome pic collections of the day. :)

    ~ash's mum

  4. i'm gonna try that egg recipe - thanks for the link! awesome pic collections of the day. :)

    ~ash's mum

  5. Looks like a nice day ... great photos. Sometimes waking up without a voice is a good thing. Just point at your throat, smile, shake your head and let everyone figure out their own stuff. Just saying. =)

  6. WOW! Look at all of that fun! Great pictures!

  7. $500 for VBS? Really? Maybe I need to get into the VBS business:)

  8. Sometimes you just need to look someone in the eye and tell them to leave you alone.
    Good luck

  9. another fabulous time had by all, excellent xxx

  10. Looks like a great time. VBS looked like a blast for him:) I hope the "pest" backs off....maybe a can of RAID haha.

  11. $500 for VBS? Even with child care and great snacks . . . holy moly! Our church had its VBS in early July, and it was great (and free ; ). My older 2 girls always enjoy it and take friends with them every summer.

  12. That looks like a great weekend, except for that late evening movie!
    Glad you got to spend time with your dad. VBS looks like it was fun, so glad he was able to go.
    Sorry about your pest.

  13. um going to sound stupid but what is vbs??LOL.. OK OK I know it sounds stupid. I have tears in my eyes from being with daddy part.. I miss mine terribly. he lives 9 hours away from me.. they cant afford to come visit that often..

  14. what a fun day with all of those toys. I wanted to jump in and play.. Happy to hear that you got some Daddy time in. He is so cool and rocks. I hope that pest goes away and things get better.. Hugs..

  15. I always enjoyed VBS when I was a kid. We've been so busy this year that I haven't had time to enroll my kids in one. So glad to see that you're close to your dad. Cherish those times. I miss mine lots.

  16. I always loved VBS when I was a kid. There is only one church that does it here now in our town and Im not a fan of their church so my girls dont get to go

  17. $500 for VBS?? I've never heard of such a thing!

    I hope this pest leaves you alone!

  18. Fun ending to VBS! Did both boys get to go, or just Cole?
    What a wonderful day with your dad! And that estate... Gorgeous! WOW!
    Hope the carnival goes good mama! So much on your plate, you are crazy!
    Sorry there is a pest in your life. Hope they go away soon!

  19. Wow, can't believe you had to go back for the church meeting about the carnival. I know it will be excellent because you are supurb at planning parties.
    Your dad is so wonderful. I wish I'd had that kind of relationship with my dad, but he was a really selfish and abusive man.
    I'm so sorry you're having a pest problem, I think I'll have to send you a HUGE fly-swatter. :-)
    Call me if you need a moral support.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!