Sunday, September 12, 2010

JumpStart Get Moving Family Fitness (Review)

I must apologize for the delay on this review, with summer time we haven't been in side to use the Wii for games, now that it has cooled down we have found more things to do inside. Also with the cold weather means not a lot of running around outside for the boys, we live in Washington Cooler weather is raining time!

We love the Wii and to have a game that actually gets the kids up and moving (no pun was not intended) is the best. The best part is it has a 2 player setting, now Caden is not really an expert at the Wii but he did get the hang of it. Cartoon Brooke Burke leads the kids threw the different activities, but as Cole informed me he could figure it out on his own he didn't need that lady. And true to his word he did figure it out actually pretty quickly.

Cole thought this was pretty cool since I do the EA sports and his "work-out" has some of the similar games. This is a great game to put on when he gets home from school, he can run out the last of his pent up energy while I get dinner ready.

This Wii game loads a LOT faster and seems to be smoother then the previous Jumpstart Wii game we reviewed. We have no complaints about this game and who can complain with something the kids like that actually is good for them. Jumpstart is always a great brand that you know you can trust to give your kids a headstart with an educational value.

Thank you again to Jumpstart for the opportunity to try out another great product my boys love and I know is helping them at the same time! Don't forget to check out their website for some great School Starting Deals!

BUY IT: Pick up the JumpStart Get Moving Family Fitness for $29.99, hours of fun for until $30 is amazing!!

Disclosure – The product featured in this review was provided to me free of charge, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I love the pics of your boys playing this. They look like they are having so much fun.
    I know they are really good about playing outside and getting exercise, but this is really great for kids who are all about staying inside and playing video games.
    Thanks for the info.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!