Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's Random Time Again .. (PINT Style)

Only Parent Chronicles


  1. Like the post notes.. Men always have the best days off for sure. Not us.. My day is to go play Bunco at night.. I hope you have a great weekend..

  2. Love the post-its!
    I want a day off too. Hmm, wonder what hat would be like??? The concept is so vague.

  3. Wool socks? Are you ready to learn to knit?....You know I LOVE making socks...get your feet out and measure them...let's get started on a custom made pair of socks, you'll never want to wear store bought again (ok that's a LIE, I wear my store-boughts in the summer and when I know my feet will sweat - like going for a run).

  4. Oh I thought you were gonna get a review of the Kettlebells oh well...I really need to get back to doing mine, mama pooch is getting out of control again lol. Hope you have a great weekend(PS us moms never get a day off:()

  5. Love the Post-Its... Men's days off are like that for the same reason they come in from work and sit down!!

  6. Great random Post It Notes. Mom's don't get a day off. Now my husband doesn't understand why I don't want to do much anymore.
    I'm Done! I will say a prayer for that Thanksgiving dinner. Wow it's been at least a year now that I have know you. ME HAPPY! Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. HaHa... My boys love broccoli too! I don't know what it is. They hate all the other veggies.

  8. Slept until 2 p.m!!! Wow! You are a good wife, I would of been waking my guy up...unless he was sick of course! :)

  9. My husband has similar days off. What the heck? No Black Friday shopping for me. I can't stand to drag the kids along and The TO is working. So not ready for Christmas - or Thanksgiving.

  10. Careful with the kettle thingy. I have one. It hurts when it lands on body parts.
    As for your day off...what are you talking about? Women get days off? Since when?
    (Love the random post-its!)

  11. You need to make a post called Caden-isms...that kid cracks me up!
    PS. Men have no concept of what a day off means to us hard working 24/7 moms.

  12. I just got a kettlebell myself!!! I love it, it is my newest addiction!

  13. Isn't June 16th our official day off from life? A martini and a nap? Well I declare it 'Gemini Twins Day Off' LOL

    I am chuckling at your photo below, such attitude!

  14. Loved the reference to Arnold! :) Whatchu talkin' bout, Willis? ROFL..


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!