Thursday, November 4, 2010

Randomness ... Stuff Rolling Around my Head (PINT Style)


  1. You made me smile on alot of those PIN! Sick kids already? I am praying our kids stay healthy until after Thanksgiving. We are going to Great Wolf in 2 weeks and don't want to miss out! Holding my breath! :)

    ...and taxes suck! Ours were about that much too...ouch!

  2. Sick kids are the worst. All I want to do is sleep but you're right not my kids either. Those random thoughts made me smile.

  3. Love your post-it notes, they make me feel so much more normal...Ok they make me feel not alone. Normal is still far far away.

  4. YIKES!!
    that tough love one.. yea not so much.. i mighta tough loved their head.. lol!!!

    have a wonderful weekend my dear!!

  5. Love the post-its!! Hope the kids are feeling better.

  6. Ugh. I hope everyone is feeling better.

    I need to get back to the gym, too. There's never enough hours in the day.

  7. Cute post it notes and I hate getting parenting advice I didn't ask for Lol!

    Thanks for finding me, dropped by to follow you ;)

  8. Do not be so hard on yourself you are an amazing woman and are pretty the way your are.. I know that and all that should matter is how you feel about yourself not what others think...

    I hope things do get better for you with the boys..

    Love ya Poser..

  9. I might possibly be one of those "older" ladies at church! Uh Oh......Cute post!

  10. Hope everyone is feeling better, the kids have been healthy so far, thank god. Have an amazing weekend you wonderful mama!!

  11. It never fails. Someone is ALWAYS sick for Thanksgiving. Its our family tradition.

    p.s. taxes suck

  12. Someone else winning the German dish reminds me of when Rich entered a chili cook-off 3 years ago and a Gumbo soup Gumbo actually a chili?? We still haven't gotten over that! LOL!

    I hope the boys are feeling better now...and sleeping! :-)

  13. How did a non-German recipe win? That seems very odd.

  14. Oh my, way to much going on with you. Sorry about the sick kids!
    Do you need a hug? ((HUGS))

  15. I really need to get my rear in gear and start exercising. Thanks for the hint :-)

  16. What? You didnt win the dessert contest? Im shocked! They must have been cheating.

  17. Wow, I'd LOVE to have a 1200 tax bill! :) I think ours is around 10 grand.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!