Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Wrap Up!

It's over and it flew by!! I have been very blessed my amazing bosses gave me an amazing bonus on Christmas Eve. I was able to go out shopping and get great things for everything! All I have to say is Fred Meyers ROCKS. I usually never shop there with the prices are too high. BUT they had the kiddie center open, so I was able to drop them off there and do all my shopping and actually they had some GREAT deals. Mom even bought a gift for herself (I knew Rick wouldn't get me much) I got a vacuum cleaner for 60% off :). YUP mom has to take care of herself.
Christmas eve my parents did a stop by with gifts! I think I may start a NEW tradition of Christmas Eve dinner we'll see if I can get everyone on board for that :). Caden accidentally broke the plastic arm on Cole's DS so my parents got him a DS lite :)
After my parents left we hit Fantasy Lights! This is a treat we do each year! The boys love it and it is the best to drive around the park and see all the lights and hard work that went into it.
Jake got a new doggy bed from my mom, "Santa's Helper Rick" built the art set for Cole, mom made cookies for Santa and finished wrapping the gifts. Christmas was just us and we had a lot of fun together!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! (click pictures to enlarge)


  1. sounds like a perfect dhrissy to me darl! <3

  2. that is a great Christmas.. Glad you guys had a wonderful time.. Have a wonderful day..

  3. Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us.
    The Christmas lights look awesome.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  4. Oh, it looks like you had a great Christmas! I hope you have a fantastic New Year as well!
    Big hugs!

  5. What a fun Christmas! I bet the boys LOVE seeing all those lights!!! We tried driving around seeing lights, but it doesn't seem like there are as many as there used to be :-/

  6. So happy you got a bonus and got to some more shopping. Looks like you all had a great time. I think a Christmas Eve dinner might be a good plan and something your parents can attend. Then on Christmas day you can just relax and eat leftovers.

  7. Have an amazing night tonight. Be safe.. See you next Year... Poser..

  8. sounds.. wonderful crazy blessed and beautiful!!

    i hope you have the best and most fabulous 2011 you can...!!!

    and thank you for being such a wonderful bloggy friend this year!!

  9. I cannot see those pics LOL I am blind!

    I can see the boys big ole' smiles though!

    Glad you guys had a good one!

    Happy New Year!

  10. You can tell by the faces of the boys that it was a wonderful Christmas. I'm so glad that your bosses understand your value!
    I love the photo of Caden in Jake's bed... too cute! I know they are loving the new addition to the family.
    I think your idea of a family Christmas eve is a great idea. It looks like it turned out fabulous.
    Wishing you a fabulous new year!
    Love and hugs to you all!!

  11. Looks like everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We have something similar to the Fantasy Lights where I live. It's called Avenue of Lights and the displays are spectacular. I took the kids the day after it opened.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!