Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ We saw a Movie, We built a Project & We had some fun!

Another weekend that was full of every moment non stop!
Friday Night was movie night at Cole's School
We saw Despicable ME!! LOVE IT
Saturday I worked the AM
Then rushed to Lowe's Kids Clinic for the boys!
Afterwards I texted Rachael and invited ourselves over for a playdate
The kids played outside and we browsed some awesome Knit Hat designs.
Sunday was church
Grocery Shopping, were Caden passed out
And stopped by my parents house
My dad was putting together their new gazebo for the hot tub.

It was a busy weekend and then Monday night was the church ladies planning party. One thing that is hard if your a mom with small kids and no one to watch them you have to ask for childcare to be provided. Usually it was given it would be provided but this time not so I of course had to deal with some huffing for some of the ladies. You have some of those people who always be a little on the rudyside but whatever. You want me to help and volunteer then you must help me :). We did get to pick our secret sisters which is kind of fun you can send gifts threw out the year and it will be revealed at Christmas. I'm so excited to make and send things.

Happy Week everyone so glad it's almost half way threw :)


  1. Sounds like a busy weekend as usual. I like the secret gift idea throughout the year - Let me know if I can help you with anything. :)

  2. I just love how you keep those adorable boys of yours occupied with such great activities!! You are great parents!

  3. I used to have the same problem at my old church. They wanted everyone to come out and get involved but most of the time there wasn't any childcare provided. Eventually, I stopped helping out and going to activities. It was too hard when I was dragging 2 small boys around.

  4. Love the pics of Caden sleeping-too cute!

    That Secret Sisters sounds like a fun thing to do! A whole year of trying to guess who is sending gifts might be a bit too long for me though ;-)

  5. Love the pics of Caden sleeping-too cute!

    That Secret Sisters sounds like a fun thing to do! A whole year of trying to guess who is sending gifts might be a bit too long for me though ;-)

  6. I wish our Lowes was closer. The workshops look fun for the kids. Secret Sisters sounds fun!

  7. crazy busy as always girlfriend!!!
    love your pics!!!

  8. I don't know how you do it all!
    I also didn't know you knit :)

  9. The ball toss games are very cute!

    I do not get the concept of RUDE and CHURCH. It should not be....

  10. I want to be your kid. You always have great weekends.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  11. That was a busy weekend. Hope you didn't volunteer for too much! I use to love doing secret sister and Hallmark use to have cards for that so they still might.

  12. I am exhausted just hearing about your weekend in fact I would have been the one snoozin' in the shopping cart while my daughter wheeled ME around!LOL Blessings, Joanne

    p.s. can totally relate about the babysitting thing. it gets better unfortunately sometimes the attack of the "rude-sters" often doesn't. hang in there sister theres always chocolate!!!

  13. How did Caden make himself fit in that cart like that.. A wonderful weekend packed with fun.. Love ya Poser..

  14. Sounds like a crazy busy weekend! My oh my!

  15. I love the Lowe's workshops for kids! (I love hot tubs too!) Sounds like my kinda weekend! Have fun!

  16. Thanks for visiting me at my blog. I love your updates with your week and the children. I love how you keep them active and are involved with the church. Thanks for sharing. I always leave you with a smile. grace


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!