Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back at the Gym … Means Gym Musings


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  1. Alexis you are HILARIOUS!!! and you are so right about those people who wear too much thats gonna mask the funk. Seriously??? it's like spraying a skunk with channel no5. Alls ya gonna get is a smell of skunkel no2. Great post! Blessings, Joanne

  2. It is so hard to workout next or near someone who stinks! Makes my tummy churn just thinking about it!

    Hooray to you for losing 7 pounds! And all it took was a new scale (haha and a TON of work). :)

  3. 7 pounds!? Congratulations!!!! That is Awesome!

  4. Good job. Just keep going the numbers don't count. It's how you feel. Remember that.

  5. Whoo hoo for losing 7 lbs! You rock!!

    And thats why I dont go to the gym! I just workout at home.

  6. Hey, congratulations on the weight loss and thanks for the recipe link. I have it bookmarked!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Congrats on the 7 lbs! You're doing great! I've not been in the gym in weeks but I've been doing cardio at home so that's something.

    PS I'm on My Fitness Pal, too.

  8. Eeeww! I knew there was a good reason I didn't go to the gym :-)

  9. With my asthma I find it just rude that people spray on that much perfume! Way to go on the 7 pounds.
    Did she really have to bring a pie over? I think I would wear rubber gloves at the gym!

  10. We have this one guy at work that works days and he practically lays me out flat when he comes in, in the morning.. gross.. just plain gross. smelled like he showered in the stuff..

  11. First off I am so proud of you. Yeah for 7 pounds lost that is amazing.. You make me laugh and think of myself because I know I would be the same way with all of the people I see.. I think you should write a book about gym don't and do's. It would be so funny.. I say have the pie and just work out the next day.. It is okay..

    Love ya, Poser..

  12. You, my friend, are hysterical. And I totally love you for working through all the trials and tribulations of the gym and STILL going every day. WooHoo for 7 pounds!! Keep up the good work, darlin'!!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!