Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is the Help helpful and worse for the ware?

I’m going to have to switch things around here with swim lessons on Wednesday I don’t have a lot of time to type up my movie reviews. So I will have those up tomorrow and do some fun post it notes today! Hope you laugh and would love to hear your stories too Smile.

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  1. We have learned not to ask for help. If we do it's always "no", not today, sorry can't do it. Yet when we get the call to help we are right there. Frustrating!

  2. i really really know what you mean.. or even if you ask for help, and someone helps... BUT.. then they complain THE WHOLE TIME!!!

    what gives?!?!?!

  3. That is such a bummer. I am happy to say that my support system is actually supportive, not critical. sometimes a bit grumpy but not too often.

  4. Without kids I rarely have to ask for help...

  5. Oh, I understand about having #'s memorized, or not!
    I would be so lost if I ever found myself without my cell phone. The only # I have memorized is our home #. Which is a cell phone.
    We have four cell phones and the only one I know the number of is our home phone (no landline). So if that phone goes missing I'm in trouble.

  6. I don't mind helping, but I hate to ask for help, because of the reasons you just mentioned. Also I hate people all up in my Bizz. I can't just ask I have to explain...and I hate that. Blessings, Joanne

  7. I dont live close enough to get any help from anyone.. so its more like fustrating because its either leave the girls home alone for a while or find some one that has a few hours. Or take them with and hope they are good but kora is ten already so a few hours is ok with me if they are left behind..

  8. Oh my, that is frustrating. I'm sure your dad understood. Years ago we didn't have personal phones!!

  9. Sounds all to familiar!! Glad you survived though!!

  10. I always end up just doing stuff on my own because help is a disaster!

  11. Omg, I don't ever want to give up my hair appts either :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!