Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I think we sat down this weekend?

Saturday was a BUSY day, I worked then hit the gym and then to a fun out door birthday party!! Nothing like water soakers, silly string and piƱata's (yup two of them)! The boys had a blast Smile.

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Saturday night rained after the party and I was dealing with a headache so I took the boys to run it out at McD’s. Then Sunday after church we were suppose to go to zoo but the rain stopped that so we met our friends at McD’s to run it out.

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Sunday night we had dinner at our cousin’s house and thankfully the rain stopped so the kids could run it out outside. Rick’s cousin’s wife is a hairdresser and graciously agreed to cut the boys hair. She wouldn’t let me pay her so next time I’ll have to give her some flowers.


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The weather is looking up so we had a picnic outdoors for the boys and our friend Killian.

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And the yummy dessert from YES my favorite site for Blueberry Peach Crisp.


Blueberry Peach Crisp

<p>This dessert was delish and hit the right spot. I wish I had the frozen yogurt to go with it, maybe next time :).</p>

See Blueberry Peach Crisp on Key Ingredient.

Happy Wednesday!!

Don't forget to stop by Thursday's Recipe Swap for more recipes!


  1. You are so busy. I can't keep up. That dessert looks yummy!

  2. what a fun time even though it was raining out.. yummy food also..

    Have a nice day Poser..

  3. Oh that crisp looks sooooo good!!!!

  4. ROTFL I am cracking up at the Gary Busey hair!

  5. Yummy dessert! I knew you'd have another busy weekend.

  6. yum luv blueberry n peach crisp i also like adding dried cranberries nom nom! we first made something similar after the first time we went to a pick your own stone fruit farm :) we tryed pickin blue berries once....that wasnt as fun! Busy busy busy supa mummy u sure r! Your boys r growing up!! love the pics darling <3

  7. What a fun weekend...besides the headache :-( The birthday party looks like a blast! And I know my kiddos can spend hours playing at McDonald's-makes a nice break for mom! ;-) That Blueberry Peach Crisp looks so yummy! And it's healthy?! Awesome! :-)

  8. Sorry about all the rain but it sounds like a fun/busy weekend.
    Love the Gary Busey look!!!

  9. I love all your photos - and the Gary Busey hair is too cute! Of course Caden always looks adorable.
    Glad they had lots of fun and you got to have some time to relax a little with your friend while they ran around McDonalds.
    That dessert looks delicious, I love blueberries and they are SOOO good for you!
    Thank you so much for the shout-out, you are such a great friend!

  10. I love (for your kids) how you document all the fun they're having in their lives! ;) I mean, I love to seeit but it makes me feel like a loser that we REST on the weekends! LOL... Youre so go go go supermom!!! How DO you do it?


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!