Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Was that Sun we saw this weekend? Soaking it in!

It was a relaxing weekend around here … well at least Saturday was I actually (know don’t fall over) sat down on the couch and watch a DVD. I’m a little slow as you know with some TV series so I’m now into Criminal Minds and Netflix send me over the first season (well at least one of the cd’s).
Caden of course enjoyed his time, slept with daddy, was my taste tester and of course tried out his music abilities on his friends Barbie keyboard Smile.
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Sunday was a super sunny day so we headed up to my parents to test out the new helicopters my parents bought. It was slow going trying to get it to go up then all of a sudden Cole got it and up it went, and up and up. Then it started to go sideways. We shut the power off on the remote thinking ok it will drop down. But NOPE it just kept going at one point it did come back towards us for a glimmer of hope then it squashed it by flying away and then down it went into the forest … lol.
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Bapa went back home and our friend Khari came to meet us at the park. We had fun playing tag and enjoying the playground. We even enjoyed some watermelon!
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We started our 2nd month of swim class, Caden still doesn’t like going on his back I think it is because he get’s water in his ears. I’m going to try those wax things in his ear next time. Cole on the other hand is doing so well that his teacher thinks he is probably ready to already move up to the next class! Way to go Cole!!
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And for your viewing pleasure we have a yummy cupcake that I made for Cole’s class as a belated birthday. His birthday was on the previous Sat with the holiday (Good Friday & Easter) his class had Thurs, Fri & Mon off. So we couldn’t do a real party on his day. Since we live in Washington and don’t see sunshine that often I made suns. Of course I’M a NUT and put the candy corn backwards … lol but it still worked! I made Banana Cupcakes and then Sunshine Cupcakes.

Best Banana Cupcake

<p>These cupcakes were very yummy they had the same texture as a banana cake but fluffy :)</p>

See Best Banana Cupcake on Key Ingredient.


Sunshine Cupcakes

<p>I made these for Cole&#8217;s class to celebrate his birthday. After I decorated them I noticed that I put the candy corn on backwards &#8230; lol</p>

See Sunshine Cupcakes on Key Ingredient.

Make sure to check out my lovely friends who host this amazing meme


  1. The cupcakes are cute. Gav got a remote helicopter for Christmas, and had lots of trouble, but loves it now. Now if we could get some sunny weather

  2. Those cupcakes are adorable. You are such a wonderful mother to your boys.

  3. Now that is an adorable cupcake!!
    You're such a good mom, look how much fun your kids always have! And you are always right there supporting them in school and all the activities they do!

    Mother of the year!

  4. Those helicopters look like a blast!!! Good idea to test them in a park away from trees. You guys made it such a great weekend!

  5. Aww your boys are adorable...hang in there Caden you'll be swimming laps in no time...Yea Cole!!!

  6. What a great weekend.. I so love those cupcakes.. I want to make them.. Have a great night..

  7. I can't believe how grown up Caden looks!

  8. awww those sunshine cup cakes r way to cute! wow a relaxing day for u? no way :) sounds like a great way to spend a day at home i love criminal minds watched it from the begining and so hooked even more so now :) ITS BEEN FOREVER girlie! im so sorry! I am playing super mega catch up on blogs and urs is one of the first i headed over to :) glad to see ur all doing well and that ur still cranking out delish treats n meals! YUMO :)

  9. I saw those cupcakes on FB, so cute!

    Glad to watch those boys grow up too...

  10. Yay for sunny days! We are already getting hot here!

  11. Glad you relaxed a little bit over the weekend. Sorry about the helicopter :( Those cupcakes are so cute. Glad the swimming classes are going well.

  12. First of all I love corn candy, and those cupcakes look mighty tasty and would go good in my lunch for work. Thanks for sharing. I'm your latest follower. Nice to meet you.

  13. I'm so glad you had a relaxing weekend - you SO needed it. I love the photos of Caden: sleeping with his dad, licking the beater (one of my doggies favorite pasttimes) and of course playing the piano.
    Way to go for Cole and his swimming! Such a smart boy, but of course he is - look at his mommy.
    Thanks for linking up those great recipes, I actually think the backwards candy corn looks cute that way. You are such a super-mom!
    Love ya, always. Hugs to you & the boys!!


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