Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Busy Busy Weekend (The one my B-day Didn’t land on Father’s Day)

As many of you saw my post about my b-day already but had to add it in my rap up … lol.  I had a rather nice day, I did work but my job is from home so I can’t EVER complain!  I did get a chance to get my toes done (She even put a little jewel on my flower on my toe – see below). Flan Rick picked up my fav dessert. Hard Cider which I get maybe once a year and a cute card!! Of course my camera too Smile.

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With Summer suppose to be upon us (In the PNW we have been having more rain then usual) the kids play with the neighborhood kids and I hate leaving the door open with the flies.  When Cole was 4 wks old I left the house for 2 1/2 hrs to come back to find out my front door was kicked in!  Yup we were robbed and the jerk broke my door & the screen door.  Well we fixed the door since I kind of needed that right away but the screen door didn’t get fixed until now.  Poor Rick I told him to just pick up a screen door he wanted a storm door.  Let’s say after 6 HOURS he got the screen cut and fit to our door, let’s just say he would have paid the $30 more for the storm door that was PRE-HUNG … lol.

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Sunday was Father’s day, Rick sadly had to work so I took the boys with our church group to take your dad to the game day.  The boys love to go and the Rainiers is a fun minor league team.  Caden thought he’d keep score, you know in scribbles!

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Sunday we also headed up to my dad’s to give him the peanut jar we made for both him & Rick.  They played down at the waterfront for a few minutes you know throwing my dad’s expensive rocks into the water … lol.

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We are also back to swim class.  Sadly our regular teacher is teaching elsewhere for the summer.  We had a girl for Caden’s class that just started to be a teacher.  Poor thing I don’t think is cut out for teaching small children she was not in the playful mood and got a little pissy when the 3 and 4 y/o weren’t sitting listening to her.  They sadly didn’t have fun and either did she.  We can hope our next class will go better or it’s going to be a LONG summer!

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Happy Wednesday, I’m having problems posted so this will hopefully be up sometime today … UGH.


  1. oh my goodness you were robbed?!!! you poor thing! Thank God you weren't home. I have heard of people being home and I shudder. That is a very big fear of mine...but then again if they busted in on any given Saturday they would probably leave thinking the place had already been ransacked! Saturdays things get a bit crazy here. Love the pictures especially the one with you in curlers drinking a hard cider! Blessings,Joanne

  2. great Birthday weekend for sure.. Have an amazing day my friend..

  3. are always so busy! I don't know how you do it lady!

  4. Much patience is needed with that age group. She better learn that or change jobs.

  5. You are one busy lady! :)

    That stinks about your swim instructor! It is hard sometimes to find your groove, so maybe it will get better soon!

    Looks like a lot of fun at the ball game!

    And like you had a fabulous birthday!!

  6. Happy belated birthday. Looks like you had a nice one. Your pedicure makes me want to go out and get's been so long.

  7. Can't believe how busy you are all the time. Glad you got your screen door finally fixed. The game sounds like it was fun. Funny you mention the rocks because they can be very expensive and I bet Mark would get mad if they were thrown in the lake! Sorry about the swim teacher, hope it gets better.

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