Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Flip Flop Swap (Wanna Join In)

***UPDATE 6/15/11 I'm going to be picking partners & announce on Saturday, I would love to have a few more plus to even out the # would be great or I may have to have 2 partners .. lol ***

Hey everyone I love swaps and have participated in a few and have seen some pretty creative ones. I was thinking why not throw my hat into the ring and have a swap. Then what do I do? Staring down my feet (for some stroke of genus) and saw flip flops … yup a brain fart came to me like that! Why not have a Flip Flop Swap? So I’m thinking 2 pairs of flip flops (unless you find 1 pair that is the max amount to spend). I’m suggesting a $15 maximum spending and suggest you use USPS small box for cheap mailing. Who would like to participate? I know it’s my first swap but I would love to get 20 (if not more) to play along! I hope you all would like to participate!

Now what you need to do, sign up with the linky below. I need your email address, Shoe Size and Favorite Colors. Give anything else you want your partner to know.

Please put up my button on your site, and if you like you can blog about it heck I’ll give you a big hug if you do … Smile.

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" border="0" alt="Running Away"></a>


  1. Okay, let's see if I remember what I am suppose to tell you...

    My email:

    Shoe size: 6.5-7
    Favorite colors: Probably navy and brown (I know, call me boring!)

    I will blog about it too for you!

  2. What a cute idea!!

    Shoe Size - 9 or even 10. I know, I have giant feet! lol

    Love lots of colors!

    email -

  3. I twitt it. My twitter on name Alexander Belluchi. You can comment this post there too.

  4. Sounds like fun but none of us wear flip flops. For some reason we all have aversions to the thingy between the toes.
    Next swap though, for sure!

  5. So fun!

    size 9 1/2-10 I've got big feet too.

    I love bright colors but green and purple are my favorites :)

  6. This will be fun!

    My shoe size is 8 and I like anything but red or yellow .


  7. I would love to but cant afford to participate right now.. Sorry ladies.. No flip flops from me.. Unless some one just wants to buy me a pair.. LOL... Just kidding there..

  8. Oh, what fun! I was actually thinking about doing one of these, but kept putting it off b/c I was feeling lazy. LOL

    So, instead, I'll participate and send people over here to join in with you! :)

  9. Oh, sorry- I wear a 7-8, and love pink and all things girly. Bright colors are fun, too.

    Just added your button and a little blurb to my post for Monday.

  10. I'm not able to participate in this, but it sounds like a lot of fun. Good luck with it!

  11. Count me in, sista!

    My shoe size: 8
    Colors: I don't care. Surprise me!

    *If it's okay, I'd like to buy one pair that are more expensive than two. Thanks! :)

    Fun, fun, fun!

    **I had so much fun hosting the "OPI Swap," I'm going to be hosting a "BBQ Sauce Swap" (next Monday). Should be a lot of fun!

  12. This is so fun!! I want to join in.

    My email is lifesrecipe(at)gmail(dot)com.

    My shoe size is 8-8 1/2, and I love anything pink, black or girly!! Really, I'm not that picky, I would love just to be surprised!!

  13. Fun! I have to get your button up, but I am OOT so please give me a few hours! :) I found out about this at Shell's place, and what fun, i am a flipflop addict.

    I am a size ten, or even an eleven, only if they run super small and narrow. (Talk about your big feet, right?)

    I am good for any kind, but the ones with the huge triangle between the toes hurt me like heck, maybe because my feet are so huge!?

    Thanks for letting me play. ;)

  14. Oh yay!!! My first swap! I'm a size 8 and I love black, brown, red, pink, & navy!

    Love this!

  15. How fun is this?? Love it!
    Email = parentingmiracles @
    Size = 7-8
    Fave Colors = love metallics and things that sparkle, but I also just love surprises! :)

  16. Have fun. I don't wear between the toe anymore :(

  17. This sounds like so much fun.. I hope you make it to 20. Come by tomorrow and add this to my Round Robin to get more people to join in.. I did add a post to my blog..

    I wear a size 8 to 8 1/2.
    I am pregnant so my feet are swelling up so a nice pair of flip flops would be wonderful.. I love pink but any color or style will do..

    my e-mail:

    love you poser..

  18. Ok, so I am brand new to your blog, so I don't know if I qualify =) I saw a comment by Amy on Rebecca Jo's blog and thought I'd come see. I have participated in swaps before and would love to be in this one.

    My blog is if you'd like to check me out =)

    Shoe size: 9 - 10 (9.5's fit great)

    I like: yellow, brown, green, pink, metallic..... anything really..... I just LOVE fun surprises!!!

    This is SO fun!!!
    Thanks for the opportunity!!

  19. Howdy OPI Swap Partner,

    What a great idea for a swap!!! I live in flip-flops all summer. One can never have to many pairs. Unfortunately I'll have to sit this one out.

    I saw your comment on my blog and sent an email your way.

    Have a great day,

  20. Sounds like so much fun. My temperamental feet would not stand for that kind of game. Too bad. I hope you get a really cool pair.

  21. Would love to, but I just can't right now. Sounds like a fun swap! :)

  22. Joining in but for some reason posted twice. So if you don't mind deleting 1 of them. Oops sorry.

    Swap info...

    kriswhite82 at gmail dot com
    shoe size: 7-8
    colors: I like all colors really. Surprises are always fun!

  23. Count me in!! I could live in Flip flops all year, but I have to settle for a few months since I live in Illinois, lol!


    Shoe size- 8-8 1/2

    Colors- Black, White, Silver, Pink

    Thanks so much, sounds like fun!

  24. Count me in too
    Shoe size 7-8
    Colors: Black, White, Gold, Silver (those colors go with everything!)

    Sounds like fun!

  25. I bloged about your swqp today so hopefully you will get a few more people. I tried to get your button on my sidebar but is was so big it blocked out most of the blog itself so your button is at the top of the blog. Still, it's there. Looking fowareded to this as Summer starts in 4 days!!

  26. Happy Birthday Poser...

    Enjoy your day...

    I hope you get some more buddies for your flip flop swap..

    love ya..


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!