Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weekend of Mileage on the car!

Saturday after I finished work I put Caden on the car and ran to pick up presents and of course a new outfit (that when I got home didn’t fit and made me want to cry but that is a whole nother blog post). 

Then home I went my neighbor was outside and we got to talking and he asked if I ever cooked Salmon said I hadn’t so he brought me over 4 fillet’s to cook up.  I was going to a fish themed party so it was perfect. I bought a octopus floater (as the gift), fish paper to wrap it and baked salmon as my food to bring (recipe to come next week).

Here is the boys at the birthday party.  My friend had her son’s party at Bill’s Fishing Hole. We got to touch fish yeah … lol.  The boys had fun and caught a few fish which we left for my friend to cook.

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We left party #1 to head to party #2 we pulled up and no cars and a car I didn’t recognize in the driveway along with 2 little girls sitting on the porch I didn’t know. OK I’m blonde so I did go out to the street to make sure I went to right street Smile. Yes I know but I really thought I went to the wrong house.  Come to find out I knocked on the door and my friends husb came out to let me know the party was cancelled.  His mother had fallen and cracked her head open and had been air lifted to Harbor View.  Prayers for her please.

So since we drove back up to Tacoma I stopped by the house and picked up Jake and head to my parents house (drove past the place we went to earlier that day … lol).  Saturday was Bonney Lake Days held at the park down from my parents house.  My dad (who’s back is messed up and will be needing surgery again, please pray for him too) and I took the boys and Jake down to the park.  Ok I should say my dad (bless him) took hold of Jake and walked him down.  The boys enjoyed the jumpy houses while dad hung out with Jake.

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Then we went back to my parents house to enjoy the lake.  Mom even got Jake to go in the water.  She bought him a life vest which he wasn’t too please with … hehe.  The boys did some floating and enjoying the lake.  We did have one accident that Jake got a little excited and ran on the dock and accidently hit Caden who fell in the lake.  He went under that large floaty you see in the picture and we got a little panicked but he did very well and dog paddled up and mom and I pulled him up.  Thank GOD for the swimming lessons.

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Sunday Rick had the day off from all 3 jobs so we spent the day with the family after church we hoped in the car and went to Bellevue Mall to go to Lego Land.  Which was a DREAM for all 3 boys (yes that includes Rick).  We won’t mention the train lego that Rick wanted $150. hehe I know what he will be getting for Christmas Winking smile.

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Happy Wednesday everyone!  So anything fun planned this weekend?  I think we’ll be party free! YEAH


  1. You sure pack your weekends full. You were all over the place! I'm so sorry that your dad hurt his back again. :(

  2. Prayers on their way for your friend's Mom. How scary that your little boy fell in! Thank God for swimming lessons is right!
    Blessings, Joanne

  3. Wow, seems you go to a lot of birthdays! I can't say much, my family is always having a birthday party. My prayers go out to your dad. Legoland looks fun. Never been there.

  4. I won't mention how busy you were.
    Love the photo with your dad and Jake. He didn't mean to push Caden in but that is scary stuff. Glad all is well. That lego store looks awesome. My son would have gone crazy with a store like that years ago!

  5. Another fun filled weekend for you and the kids and how about Sunday, you got to spend time as a whole family - that's great!
    It really looks like you had a great time.
    So sorry about your friend's mom and please give your dad a gentle hug for me, I know what he is going through - how sweet of him to still help out with Jake. Your dad is the BEST, wish he was mine. =)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!