Monday, September 5, 2011

Recipe you won’t “Labor” over … Yes a Labor Day pun

What?  Ok so it was kind of funny in my head!  It’s Labor day and I almost for got to post a yummy recipe.  I know you all wait around on pins and needles for a new recipe so I can’t disappoint … hehe j/k.

My neighbor was so nice and went fishing at the Puyallup River and brought me over 2 salmon he caught.  He told me to bring a dish I didn’t want to grab the big glass dish to look greedy but then I walk over with my small dish to be handed 2 large salmon’s.  He cleaned it and filleted (except for removing the bones).  I never cooked salmon before so I found a quick and easy way to bake it and then take it to a party I mentioned a while back.  The fish was a hit and now I can say I know how to cook salmon.


Baked Salmon

<p>An easy way to bake a delish salmon.</p>

See Baked Salmon on Key Ingredient.

Happy Labor Day, hope you all have a wonderful day. I think I may take the boys up to my parents waterfront to swim and enjoy!  What’s your plans?


  1. I cooked salmon last night too - in parchment with tomatoes, onions and peppers with a soy/mirin glaze.

  2. Sounds delicious! Alas, no one gives me presents of salmon and it it way too expensive to buy in the store. Canned salmon made into patties is the norm for me.

  3. Even though I don't do fish, I have to admit that it's pretty.

  4. I've never cooked fish. How nice of your neighbor. Sounds delicious!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!