Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We interrupt the Weekend Wrap for …

Ok so that is not me but that is how I looked this am … because you may ask?  WELL today is the first day of school … yup that is angel’s singing!  Cole is off to his 1st day of SECOND grade!  I’m so excited and he was actually happy to go with a ting of being afraid I wasn’t coming back Sad smile. After promising that I would be back to pick him up he was set for a day of school.  He has his same teacher from last year.  The nice thing about private faith based school, even with the perk’s of faith he has smaller class rooms.  His class is 1st and 2nd grade with the same teacher with a total of 23 kids! 
Here we go getting back in the school groove and checking out our new seating and checking out the friends from last year! Caden even had to check out his new desk.  Yes Cole got on the bike and said he was going to peddle to school … lol.
Blogger Pics
Because I’m a nutty mom (as you all know by now) I wanted to make a fun treat for the class I did some google searching and found several recipes for a cupcake like an apple.  I made a brown sugar cupcake mix (thank you Marth Stewart & Your Home Based Mom) and then made these Apple Themed Cupcakes.


Apple Themed Cupcakes

<p>I made these for my son&#8217;s class for back to school.</p>

See Apple Themed Cupcakes on Key Ingredient.

I’ll have to pack in our weekend tomorrow but I couldn’t wait to show off my big boy and these cupcakes!  Enjoy! 
So did anyone make something fun for the going back to school kids?  Or something you use to make for your kids?


  1. My daughter starts kindergarten on Monday! Those cupcakes are very cute - how creative and perfect for "back to school". :)

  2. I posted about my sheer "back-to-school" joy as well. :)

    I didn't make a darn thing. Too busy organizing and cleaning from summer. Maybe I will today. OR, maybe not! Hehehe...

    Adorable cupcakes!

  3. Those cupcakes look awesome! I love your recipes!

  4. The cupcakes and your son are both so cute.

  5. The boys.
    The cupcakes too, but mostly the boys

  6. Woo hoo! those cupcakes are adorable too. I am gearing myself up for Jacob's first day of Pre-K on Tuesday.

  7. Those cupcakes are neat. I'm sitting here all emotional today as Zoe starts preschool in an hour *sob*

  8. I didn't make anything fun like that but I did send a card in her lunch box. Telling her to have a great school year.

  9. He just looks so excited about school! The cupcakes are a really nice thing for you to do. :)

  10. You had time to make cup cakes!?? Girl you are my hero!
    Enjoy the quiet! 3pm is right around the corner!
    Blessings, Joanne

  11. hello dear, yes I am still alive lol, great to see you back to normal lol, kids being back at school, bet your glad lol xx

  12. Love those cupcakes!!!!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner?

  13. having trouble seeing your photo's lately.. not sure why.. but anyway the girls havent started school yet. i got them enrolled in homeschooling but havent gotten there books yet.. we will do that on Saturday.

  14. You way to sweet to bring treats for the class!!!! Glad he is happy to be there. Hope he has a great school year.

  15. Oh how fun.. My little one went today also.. I was so happy for her.. He is so handsome and wow what a fun day he must have had..

    Love the cupcakes.. I wanted to do something for the teachers but did not do it oops..

    love ya..

  16. Oh, he is growing up so fast. The smile says it all. Cute cupcakes, too.

  17. Cole looks awesome and so grown up. And as usual, SuperMom has her cape back on to make the first day of school special for her little boy. YOU ROCK!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!