Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Busy Weekend A Good movie & a Carnival

What a fun packed weekend!

Friday night was movie night with the woman’s group from church.  The movie was great, I’m going to do a post on it tomorrow!  All was great until I got home and got a phone call, about not paying the babysitter.  UGH Monday the babysitting is included in the group, when I left a message about paying I never heard back.  So I was bad and assumed it was covered.  Here I was thanking the girl offering to make her baked goods. No wonder she looked like I grew a third eye she was like lady give me money .. UGH.

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Saturday after work I took the boys with our neighbor boy to the carnival at his Cole’s school.  We first had a bite to eat, ran around outside for a while and took some goofy pics!

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Then on to face painting.  The little boys did crosses and Cole did a whale.

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The boys enjoyed the fun games and we did all of them a few times over and over.

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On to fun time of races of hula hooping, luau dancing & how long can you go.  Poor Caden fell asleep in his chair.  Oh yes the Tiki God is the Principal Smile.

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Sunday after church I took the boys to a local park that was so amazing.  They had tons of things to climb on and take pictures in. The boys loved it they were having a walk-a-thon so Caden had a to do a little dancing to the music Smile.

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So there was crazy packed weekend!  Super fun.

So what did you do this weekend?


  1. Sounds like a somewhat calm weekend for you

  2. Busy, busy, busy. Enjoy each day and store the memories to cherish in later years!

  3. What a fun weekend you had. (sorry about the babysitter mix up) Love all the pictures, everything looks very entertaining!

  4. We were lazy all weekend, it was the best! We have a very busy weekend this weekend though as we are off to the East to see fall foliage!

  5. I walked a half marathon...and I lived to tell the tale! :)

    You are always so cute in your self portraits. You look good in hats!

  6. Love those sexy shoes Poser.. You are such a pretty woman and I love those pictures.. You had a fun weekend. Like always you are a great Mom..

    My weekend was a Family one my husband worked so we hung out until he got home and had a great Family day..

  7. Sounds like it was a fun, exciting, jam-packed weekend!

  8. Definitely a fun weekend between the movie, the carnival and the park! I never hear of carnivals around here, but I remember the PTA always putting one on when I was in elementary school and how exciting it was to go :-)

  9. I love the whale. So cute!

    We went to another concert.
    This time we saw Steven Curtis Chapman, Tenth Avenue North and Third Day. It was in an amphitheater and it was cold so we had to bundle up to keep warm.
    The concert was awesome!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!