Friday, October 7, 2011

Date Night & Mischief Boys


They look so cute don’t they?  Well that is until you leave them with a babysitter all Heck breaks LOOSE!  So Rick and I went on a date night last night!  I was so excited to get to go see Courageous again.  This time I didn’t have to sit in the first row and was able to enjoy the movie.  Rick even actually even said “That was a good Movie”.  He even didn’t mind the religious parts which usually he is like my dad and would stand up and walk out of Smile. So yeah for me!

Now on to the babysitter, we had the girl we use every once in a while.  She is a sweet girl from my old church.  But I think I need to find super babysitter.  I was talking to my friend the other day about how we use to be when we babysat.  Our mom’s drilled into us that we were to play hard with the kids, clean up everything and even do dishes etc.  Now days the girls I’ve had rather sit on the couch. NOW nothing bad about them, but let’s go over what we came home to:

  • 9:45pm – Boys STILL up!
  • Guest room – Boys must have gotten in there because the room was a mess & Rick’s Legos' are missing.
  • Our Room - Rick’s watch collection was down and one missing.  MIND you this was on a shelf taller then Rick in our room.  Which means Cole climbed up on a bench in our room.  Then played in there for a while and made a HUGE mess!
  • Kitchen Counter – All of Rick’s things were out of the counter I have them in.
  • Our Room – Top Shelf again 2 PACKS of Gum gone … oh yes that means Cole had them in his room!
  • Gaming Baskets – All the wii games & ds games and a few other items all over the house.
  • Bathroom – counter top full of water
  • 2 hours 45 min out of house = Tummy ache from eating popcorn, Head Ache from boys bouncing off the walls & back ache from clean up even more when I get home! A little bit of a bruise on my head from banging it against the wall … UGH UGH

UGH … And people ask why I don’t go out that often?  Because when I come home I have more work then when I left.  Ok Super Nanny I need your cousin Super Babysitter … Would you mind please sending her my way?

Any one else have this problem?  Suggestions?


  1. hugs... we have talked about this sorry..

  2. That is just not okay! I think you need to find another sitter. I have heard people have found great help on but it costs money so I didn't check it out.

    I think you need to reiterate your expectations and/or find someone else soon. Not worth it to go out if that is what you have to come home to!

  3. My only baby sitters were my in-laws. and we didn't use them often. that equaled No date nights at all...maybe just on anniversaries....bummer big time! now we do go out once and a while...which is nice. I hope you get a baby sitter that is a bit more responsible. I feel for you having to come home to have to cleanup..not fair!Makes you not want to go out at all. :O( and I know those date night are essential for a marriage!
    Blessings, Joanne

  4. I can't believe she let the kids get into all those things and didn't at least clean up after them. I know that I always cleaned up when I babysat and I know Amber would clean most of their house when she use to sit! I think you need to have a talk with that girl.
    Hopefully you can find someone new.
    Glad you had a nice time at the movie.

  5. I babysat all through my teen years and that was most of my way of making some cash.. I cant believe this baby sitter did this.. I always had the kids in bed before they were suppose to and I always did extra when the kids went to bed. If I didnt make anything else I would clean up the kitchen anyway or pick up toys left laying around.. I am sorry you have to deal with this. I would sit her down and talk to her. I dont leave my girls very often and now kora is old enough to sit with brianna anyway. so kora is my babysitter..

  6. I can't imagine! I wish I had suggestions, but we only use the grandparents and the kids always go to their houses to make the messes ;-) We've used friends and other family too, so never a teenager...yet. I hope you are able to find a good sitter...there has to be more motivated ones out there :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!