Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving treats for Cole’s School

So I picked the turkey treat I want to make for Cole’s classmates.  The Rice Krispie Turkey Pop Treats turned out so cute and THANK God my friend April was here for Tuesday night dinner to help out.  Let’s just say these little suckers were not my friend at first.  I might have said a few not lady like names and thrown the whole batch away if it wasn’t for her.  She had the idea to take a knife and but a whole before putting the candy corn in.
Happy Early Thanksgiving, it will be a busy day at work today and some serious cleaning before my parents come over and of course a bunch of cooking.

Hope you have a wonderful day and if you get a chance make these little guys. 

Turkey Treat Pops

<p>I made these for my son&#8217;s class to celebrate Thanksgiving.</p>

See Turkey Treat Pops on Key Ingredient.

Here is what we did last year Smile.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!