Saturday, December 24, 2011

Caught Santa Video Giveaway (First Five win)

santa_cornerOne of my fondest memories of Christmas is waiting up for Santa, but of course I would always pass out before he came.  I would wake up to find presents left for me.  Wouldn’t it be great to catch Santa?  I just watched a movie last night about a girl that did just that.  Well instead of making a contraption to tie up Santa why not take a video?  Would your kids LOVE to see Santa filling their stockings?  A video of Santa in YOUR living room is easy to do!  And guess what for the first FIVE people who reply to this post will do just that!

The Santa Video gives you a gallery of different options to choose from to please every little boy and girl!


For you who are not lucky enough to win these first five spots don’t worry you can head to their site or their Facebook page. 

Now all you need is:

  1. Upload your picture (Supported Image Formats: .gif .png .jpg .jpeg, Image must be taken Landscape Style (lengthwise) Upload File Size Limit = 10mb)
  2. Choose a Video (Collection of Scenarios)
  3. Add a Song (handful of classics)
  4. Finish and Share!

Super easy I promise, it took me around 5 minutes to do (and that was only because the boys kept walking in and out and mom had to switch screens quickly)!!  For $14.95 you will have a memory that will last a lifetime!  I can’t wait for my boys to see this!  Merry Christmas All and to All a good Night (sorry just had to say it!)

Thank you The Santa Video for a memory my boys will be talking about for years!

Now first five here is your chance, come over and leave a comment on what song you would choose:

  1. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies
  2. Jesus, Joy of Man Desiring
  3. Jingle Bells
  4. Oh, Little town of Bethlehem
  5. Silent Night


  1. Definitely 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies' :) Merry Christmas X

  2. have to admit even if i wanted to participate i have no money like usual.. lol. merry x-mas and a happy new year if am not around next weekend. miss visiting my friends.

  3. This is sooo cute, thank you very much. It was really easy to do and the code worked a treat. I can't wait to show the 'evidence' in the morning :) x

  4. I'm so sorry Beth got my 5 :( Which I had one more.

  5. Merry Christmas and thank you for my awesome gift!!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!