Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Break so Far …

It has been a very busy time around here as I’m sure it is at your house too!  This has been a pack it in Christmas Break at our house.  Here’s a little look at what we have been up to!

Santa came to Rick’s work so we stopped by to say hi!

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Cole’s school put on a beautiful Christmas program!

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Christmas Eve we stopped by my parents house to exchange gift since they were spending Christmas elsewhere.  The boys loved their new legos and a Telescope for Cole.

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Christmas Eve night the boys opened their one present the new PJ’s.

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Rick worked Christmas Eve at the Football game and came home in time to take the boys and me to Fantasay Lights.  Who knew Christmas Eve would be so crowded!  It took us a 1/2 hour to get in and then we took about a 1/2 to drive around.  The person behind us was riding our behind to go forward faster. I say if I spend this much I’m taking my time Smile.

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Christmas Morning was an explosion of paper and gifts.  You can see my feet with the coffee to prove I was there since I was picture taker … lol. 

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Christmas night we bundled up the boys and hit the zoo for Zoolights!

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Cole’s school bought a few rows at the Thunderbirds Hockey game so we took the boys!  Since Rick works security there his boss grabbed the boys and took them to the front to shake hands with the players.

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Wowzer and we still have a few more days until peace comes back to my house.  How I can’t wait for school to begin soon Smile.

What are your plans this weekend?


  1. The photos are wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at them. Your boys are so cute!

  2. Sounds like the boys had a fantastic Christmas. I am sure you are looking forward to a bit of a rest.

  3. Your boys are adorable! Don't be too jealous of me but I'm spending the weekend alone. Chris and the kids went to my MIL's. (Of course I've been cleaning but at least I'm cleaning alone.LOL)

  4. You have been so busy. Love the pictures with Santa. The boys are growing up so fast. The lights are so beautiful! Looks like Christmas morning was awesome. You even went to the zoo and a hocky game. I'm tired just reading about it all!
    Happy New Year.

  5. Wow, you made that a holiday to remember for the whole family. I can't believe how fun that all looked!

  6. WHat a fun time you guys had.. this weekend we had our FAmily just the four of us New year's party.. Then relax.. Did one load of wash.. Tomorrow starts the week of getting things back in place as school starts on Wed.. Love ya Poser..

  7. Sounds like a wonderful time. We stayed home all weekend. and then last weekend we opened presents obviously.. but we had a good time of it.

  8. What a nice Christmas!

    My in-laws always get the kiddos pj's for Christmas Eve too. I think it's a neat tradition :-)

    I love that you went to look at lights. We didn't do much of that this year unless they were on routes that we were already taking. We DID go to see some lights we heard about in our town. The guy had his lights flashing to different music that you turned your radio too...made for a neat little attraction in our small town ;-)

    We went to a hockey game too! Went to see the Red Wings, but without the kiddos. Went with Rich's family. We didn't get to meet any players though-how exciting for the boys! :-)

  9. Looks like you made some wonderful memories!!

  10. Can we come for Christmas this year? ;-) it all looks so wonderful and festive. The boys have the biggest smiles ever. Its infectious - love it. Am so gutted I didn't get a picture of Youngling with Santa this year :-( though I have pictures of him at the winter wonderland. Hope that makes up for my epic motherly mistake? Eek. Great post, take care Kate xx


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!