Friday, February 3, 2012

The best Question … Money Series

easy-ways-you-can-save-money-everyday-43Last week I posted about the best question series we are doing at church.  This past Sunday was about money and I actually took notes like no tomorrow. Usually I’m not a big note taker but I was looking for more paper to keep writing.  With Caden about to enter Kindergarten meaning that our monthly school tuition is going to double.  I need to find ways to pay off bills and get that extra monthly budget. So DON’T get scared that I say church I think really this is something that can apply to practical life again!


In light of my financial past, my present financial circumstances, and my future financial hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do?

“Of What use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom?” Prov. 17:16 = Hmmm makes you think right?

1. Asking the WRONG Questions.  Example

  1. Can I afford it?
  2. Can I make the payment?
  3. Is it on Sale? (I do this a lot)
  4. If I can make it work, then I should get it.

2. Assessing your financial Priorities

Currently how we use our money:

  1. Spend it
  2. Repay Debt
  3. Pay Taxes
  4. Save it
  5. Give it

What is wise from my financial past?  Priorities, Knowledge & Self Control mandates how we do it.

The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender’s Slave. Proverbs 22:7

Leaned someone money and it changes the relationship!  When you’re in debt to someone (friend, creditor, etc) means your in slave to them!

Dave Ramsey gives you this acronym “F.I.X G = M”


Adjusting your Financial Focus

Live like no one else!  If you’re living like a Rock Star it will lead to being upside down.

Change the way we use money, instead of how we currently do it. Do this:

  1. Give – Now that doesn’t mean to church if you don’t go.  Give to others in need.  It comes back 10 Folds.
  2. Save – Have an Emergency Fund of $1000 or at least $500.
    1. The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets. Prov. 21:20 – AGAIN HMMM makes me rethink what I’m always doing!
  3. Repay Debt - Instead of Funding Someone else's future fund your own – I LOVE THIS!!!
    1. The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Prov. 22:7
  4. Pay Taxes – Remember if you GIVE and Save you PAY less taxes! Hello you can write off charitable giving!
  5. Spend it – What ever is left spend that!

I know it is a crazy way to do things but we have been given the task of trying this for 3 months and see what happens!

I thought really hard and prayed on this. I’m on board I gave double what I usually give last Sunday (not close to 10% but a % that works for us).  Then I wasn’t sure what was going to happen this week but I knew it would work out.  THEN today my boss emailed me that a surprise BONUS had been given to me!  I’m telling you I fell off my chair!  I automatically put a portion in savings and then was able to enroll both boys for school and pay the registration fee!  All I can say is I’m blessed and I’m putting this new practice forward!

Something else our pastor talked about that made me stop dead in my tracks.  Take ALL your bills write down from smallest amount owed to largest amount owed.  Then take the SMALLEST bill you owe on, double what you minimum payment each month this will help pay off this bill faster.  WHEN that bill is paid off then take the money you have been sending to that bill to the next SMALLEST bill and so on.  It’s called Debt snowball, pay off smallest to largest payment and then retire that bill.  It makes it more manageable and not so over whelming to take care of your debt!  With my bonus I made a triple payment and hope to have this bill paid off by next month and then on to the next smallest bill!

This may not be easy but it is the wise thing to do!  Wish me luck but I think I may have just had my “Ahh Haa” moment and will take control of my financial life!


  1. I love this post and I know it works!!

  2. Sounds like a plan that can work.
    I wish you success. Hooray for the bonus!

  3. I wish you much success. I know you have the will to succeed and you will!

    And, I don't have to tell you what I am having for supper today. ;-)

  4. Cant wait to hear more! Hope you get those little bills paid off and can start onyour bigger ones!

  5. I'm so glad you posted this when you did!! The timing is perfect (as it always is with Him, right?!). I've read Dave Ramsey's stuff before. At the time didn't have a partner willing to be on board. I'm in a place now where I really NEED to visit it again. Especially since I'm the only one controlling my finances. I've managed to closed out most all the credit cards but 2 since the divorce. With the summer quickly approaching I'm starting to stress. I don't get paid during the summer like teachers do so I live on what I save or work I contract. Savings isn't near what it needs to be to get me thorough (heh, even 1 month at this point). Thank you for these awesome points and awesome reminders! I know you can do this. You are so determined and focused!

  6. Good post here, full of wisdom,reminds me of the wise Dave Ramsey.
    We tithe at least 10% and I can tell you bluntly that we get back many times that. Really.
    We actually look for more ways to give, and not just cash but labour too.
    I don't like talking about it but want you to know how good a thing it is.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!