Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother’s Day Card–This Flower’s For You!

For Valentine’s day you saw you me make the blow pop cards so I just had to make this “Flower for you” photo card.  It was a very simple card to make but I think it is perfect for my mom.

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  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Tissue Paper
  • Razor Blade (Or Scissors)
  • Photo Paper
  • Computer to print (or Print at local store and pick up)

I edited my photo with a heart and a Happy Mother’s Day.  I printed on my computer on my home printer.  I used a blade to make 2 slits on the hand (that is out stretched).  I cut some tissue paper (using 3 colors to make it pretty) and wrapped the pipe cleaner around like a stem.  Play around and you’ll find the best way to make a flower.  You then put the pipe cleaner threw the cuts to hold it onto the picture.  I think they turned out so cute and it only took me around 5 minutes each.

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Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing Mother’s!  I hope you have a wonderful day and put your feet up!  You deserve it!


  1. Oh these are fabulous! Happy Mother's Day Alexis!!

  2. The cards are adorable. Your mom is a very lucky lady!!

  3. Too cute!!

    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day!!!

  4. I have a question for any of you moms that visit here that might be able to help me. My girls have some very broken and used crayons. I have seen people melt them and make new crayons with them.. how would i go about doing so. you can leave a comment on my blog or email me. that is also on my blog..

  5. Those are adorable, wish I had seen them before my hubs bought hers; it would have made for a great new idea!

  6. Those are adorable, wish I had seen them before my hubs bought hers; it would have made for a great new idea!

  7. thanks, very good =)

  8. Oh my goodness I have got to do this for the grandmas...they will love it!
    Blessings, Joanne

  9. Yeah!!!! These are awesome!! We did hand and footprint flowers. I will stick it on fb :)

  10. Those are just too cute!
    Of course your boys are holding them so of course they are adorable.
    Wishing you a very happy Mother's Day.

  11. What an awesome idea for a Mother's Day card!

  12. What a neat idea!! Can you remind me of this next Mother's Day? :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!