Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes

Caden and his Kindergarten class have their first field trip tomorrow to the Pumpkin Patch!  We are so excited I'm working a half day to go with them!  I wanted to do something fun for the class and since the cupcakes I just made for Cole's Class the Easy & Quick Pumpkin Cupcakes with the Sturdy Whipped Cream Frosting (recipe HERE for both) just topped different!  I found Gourmet Meals for Less a Pumpkin Patch Cupcake recipe.  This was super easy!

First I made the cupcakes and I had half the frosting left over that I then frosted the cupcakes.  Then on to the decorations!

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes
Serves 18-24

white or brown cupcake liners
1 package chocolate sandwich cookies (such as Oreos or a store brand version)
24 candy corn pumpkins
Green Decorating Gel

Bake cupcakes according to directions.  Allow to cool completely on a wire rack.  Place one and a half rows of your sandwich cookies into a food processor and pulse until you have fine crumbs.  If they look like a pile of dirt, they are ready.  Place your cookie crumbs in a bowl. Frost each cupcake generously, forming frosting into a nice mound. Immediately roll frosting part of cupcake in cookie crumbs.  To fully cover frosting you will have to also scoop crumbs up and gently press onto cupcake.  Shake off access crumbs.  You will need to do each cupcake one at at time through this step, so frosting does not have time to harden. Top each cupcake with a candy corn pumpkin, pressing it into the crumbs and the frosting.  Decorate with Green decoration Gel to look like Vines coming off the pumpkin candy.

I think they turned out very cute!  I hope the kids love them!


  1. If this kids don't eat them, I will. They are adorable! I would LOVE to do stuff like this for Lil Duck's class. I always have great follow through sucks horridly. I have vowed to do something fun for the Halloween parties. I might need some encouragement.

  2. hey does anyone know how to get a hold of pumpkin ice cream without the pumpkin spice?? I have a friend who is allergic to the spice and wants the joy of eating the ice cream.. you can leave a comment on my blog or e-mail me. niksmix2011 at gmail dot com

  3. Those are precious and who doesn't love those pumpkins?!

  4. YOU are such a freakin' rock star! I would have loved to have stolen this idea! :) But, I have no reason to make 'em. Hmm... there's always a reason for cupcakes, though, right?

  5. You are so clever, those look delightful, well done

  6. Really cute idea. Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.



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