Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's a Wrap

Yes I'm one of the crazy Black Friday Shoppers.  This year with only one steady income coming in this year I really had to budget and shop with a purpose.  I worked retail for many years and had to be that holiday worker, and now I'm on the other end of it.  I always go with a list but with the understanding that I will get whatever I get.  I usually wait for the crowd to go crazy then I step in and grab what is left.  I was really lucky this year and got everything on my list.  Thanks to Winning a $100 GC on A Nut in Nutshell's website and some saving by hubs I has enough to get all the kids gift.  I wrapped them all, now just to get Rick to get my Christmas tree down and I'll be already for the season.

Since my check engine light came on (and it's our only working car) we took it in to the Kia Dealership.  With some luck on recalls that reduced the tech time we spent $240!  YUP for a tune up!  So here we go no Christmas Gifts for the adults this year, but it really is for the kids so no sad faces.  I'm just happy to have ONE working car.


  1. You're right when you say it's worth going without to see the kids happy. Afterall, that's what Christmas is really all about.

    I'm done shopping and all wrapped, too :)

  2. yay for having it all wrapped!

    Tom and I aren't giving gifts to each other we will celebrate another time :)

  3. Way to go on the shopping. Wow, you even have them wrapped. Sorry to hear about the car repairs, rotten timing for that. But you do have it right and running, thank God for that.

  4. I'm done except stockings. We aren't doing Christmas for us this year either since I have a million doctor bills. That's okay though, it is all for the kids. Dumb car repairs ugh!

  5. BTW congrats on the gift card win!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!