Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Organizing my Cupcake Cups

As you know I love to bake and cook and I organized the pantry to make it easy to find my baking needs, but I still had a drawer that holds my misc decorating items.  Is this drawer is my cupcake cups.  Sadly they never go back into the plastic cup they came in they just go in the drawer.  Each time I go to make cupcakes I end up throwing away a few that got smooched in the drawer.  I saw on pinterest and idea to put them in a spaghetti container! So on the search I went to find a cool container, I hit up Ross and Marshall's and ended up finding this really cool one.  The only bad thing is it is not clear see threw, so I took my handy label gun and put a label on it and I was good to go!

This is a simple and easy one to do, All you need:

Glass Spaghetti Container
Loose Cupcake Cups
Label (if you like to label like I do)

Group your cupcake cups together and put in the container.  Add a label if you are on the OCD side like me!

Don't let this happen to your Cupcake Cups

How to Steps:

Here is what you need and the completed project!

Happy Wednesday!  Hope you all have a great day!  I don't ever speak my political views here, but I just had to say that I was sadden last night and had a very heavy heart.  I was listening to a Christian Station this am and the announcer reminded me of Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths. So what I needed to hear and just had to share and get that off my chest, ok no more political talk :).


  1. This is a really good idea. I keep mine in a small glass jar, but then I don't keep all that many cupcake liners on hand.

  2. Brilliant. I have so many "leftover" cupcake cups that when I send them with the kids somewhere, the papers never all match. This is a good way to organize them, though!

  3. I can't believe you have enough to organize!!!!

  4. Brilliant idea and I think I'll copy you!

    I have a headache after the election and like you, I'm trusting in GOD'S plan because I do NOT understand.

  5. Great idea and your organizing is going great. You can come help me next! My heart is heavy, I too have had a headache all day and my stomach hurts. I am broken :(

  6. never thought of that but i usually dont make cupcakes either so for those that do its a really cool idea. i dont bake much either..

  7. Neat idea! I've gotten cupcake papers in plastic containers before and I just keep the container and reuse it, but I imagine that could even get smooshed! :-)

    I feel the same as you as far as the election results. Our country, and it's leaders, definitely need our prayers.

  8. I don't have many cupcake papers to do that, but it's a splendid idea.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!