Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Green Chili Chicken Burrito's

Just a quick post, this cough has now headed to my head and I think I may die soon but I have a full day of work to do.  The ONLY bad thing about working from home I'm a contractor so no sick days for this girl, one pay check coming in means no days off or Bills don't get paid.  Rick requested I make this last night for his friend and him.  NOW I was not feeling well so the picture was not all pretty like I normally would make it so no comments about how it looks please :).  According to him and his friend it was the BOMB.  I've posted this recipe about 2 years ago but today I made it a little different and it was a hit (yes I made it the lazy way last night and mixed everything together).

4 or 5 Chicken Breast
1 can of Beer
1 can of Cream of Mushroom
1 LARGE can of green enchilada sauce
1 can of green chillies
1 LARGE container of Sour Cream
2 Cups of Cheddar Cheese
6 or 8 Tortilla

Preheat oven to 350. On stove cook the chicken in the can of beer, until cooked threw. In a large bowl add the Cream of Mushroom, Green Enchilada Sauce, Green Chillies, Sour Cream and Cheese. I call this the "goop" mix it well and set aside while chicken cooks. When chicken done you can cut into strips or I like to shred it's easier :). Lay out a tortilla, add a large scoop of the "goop" and top with chicken. Most days I roll nicely like and tuck in the edges or if in a hurry like this night I just roll them up. The true tuck insides and roll is the best easier to serve. Depending on how much chicken you use will determine the amount of tortilla's you need to use. Once all wrapped up use the last of the goop to top and put in the oven for 35 - 40 minutes, until brown and the cheese in the goop is melted. Cool and serve.

**Alexis's LAZY version mix the goop with the chicken.  Add the chicken goop to the Tortilla, roll up and put in a glass dish.  I then had the extra chicken goop that I added to the top of the tortilla and added another cup of cheddar cheese. **


  1. Tell Rick you need your rest and to cook his own meals

  2. It sounds really good, but what the heck are you doing cooking when you're sick? I know you're the mama, but you should be resting otherwise you won't get better.

  3. I hope you feel better really soon!!

  4. that looks amazing! Girl make you a big batch of some soup or stew so you can take it easy for a few days :)

    Feel better!

  5. That sounds delicious! When I reach my goal weight I will have to try this one.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!