Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2nd Big News Revealed ...

Today is the big day in our house, after 8 months of being off work Rick starts his new job!  Oh yes I'm over the moon if I could get my butt above my head I'd do a cartwheel.  I have found that this is one trick I can't do.  

About 4 months ago I found out threw the PTF president that her job was hiring but the opening closed that night so Rick and I went onto the website and applied for the job, almost 2 months went by and no word we figured the job closed and he didn't get an interview, just then actually as we were talking about it he got a call to come in for an interview!  We were so excited, then another 31 DAYS went by with no news again we thought ok it didn't work.  THEN the big news he got the job!  He went threw training but they wanted him to start the first of the year, so today is the day!  It took a bit of time but it looks like it will be the perfect fit for him.  He will be working security for a group of hospitals around the area.  

We will be a 2 full time working house hold again!  I'm too excited to hopefully get back in black on so many of these bills!  No more robbing peter to paul ... lol.

Thank you again for all those who kept us in your prayers for these past 8 months, it's been a difficult time but we are coming out stronger.


  1. {{{Big Hugs}}} That's so wonderful!!! Congrats!

    Happy New Year Girlie!!!

  2. That is WONDERFUL news. I am so happy for you and your family!!!

  3. Oh this is fantastic news!! I could not be more thrilled for you guys!

  4. Alexis, this is such wonderful news for you and your family. I can only imagain how great Rick feels about getting this job! Looks like 2013 is going to be a blessed year for you. ((HUGS))

  5. Whoooo Hoooo.... Congratulations!!! Wonderful News!!

  6. Girl, you are hilarious!!! That is great news!!! Yay!! Happy New Year!!

  7. Woohoo congrats! He looks very official in uniform :)

  8. Wooohooo! Congrats! What wonderful news and tell him he looks very handsome in his uniform!
    Heres praying for an awesome 2013!
    Blessings, Joanne

  9. that is great my friend. hope it works out for him.

  10. Yay! Congratulations! What great news!

    Hey...I see you are on MFP...what is your user name. I am on there too and would love to have you as a friend.

  11. Great news! And happy new year to you!

  12. That has made me so happy! Everythign always works out. Happy happy dance for you and your familY!

  13. That's awesome news! Hope Rick likes his new job.

  14. Such great news!!! Congrats to Rick! I'm so happy for you!! :-)

  15. OH, Lexie... I am SO happy for you, Rick, and the boys. You know I am giving you the biggest hug through cyber space.
    I know how hard you both have been working to keep things together, all while helping so many others, God has blessed you for all you have done.
    Wishing you the most wonderful new year filled with success, happiness, health, and lots of love.
    Give big hugs to my little boys for me.

  16. That is awesome, new year seems to be the time for everyone I know to get jobs, Rick, me and my brother. So happy for you it is definitely a different feeling when you knwo that 2 incomes are about to be paid in the bank each pay day. Take it slow and enjoy


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!