Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to add Pin It Hoover on Your Photos

I have been wanting a pin it button that hoovers over my photos but only have seen it on Wordpress blogs.  Thanks to Google Search I found an amazing tutorial on how to make this happen on blogger.  I tested it out and it works!  I had to share!  This is a great website with tips and easy to understand tutorials on how to apply the changes step by step.  Check out Blogger Sentral for this tutorial on a hoover pin it button!

Hoover your mouse or tracker pad over this picture and you'll see the pin it button.

pinit button on image mouseover hover

Now header and install this!


  1. That is cool!! I might have to try it and see if I can do it.

  2. Thanks for the tip Alexis. Love that! I recently added a Pinterest widget box to my sidebar (W.P.)

  3. That's cool, I will save this for the future if I need it.

  4. So awesome that you posted this! I've been wondering if it was possible on Blogger.


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