Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Needed Pick Me Up Picture ...

I started a new diet (just a stricter version of what I've been doing) to give me a jumpstart to loose weight.  I hit the dreaded plateau and couldn't get my body to do anything so I went and saw a local doctor here who has a plan called the Foxkin diet.  He's plan is if it moves you eat it, and no plants.  It's a high protein, low carb and low sugar diet.  Pretty much what I've been doing but no veggies now.  I'm so happy to say I lost 4 lbs this week!  I'm down a 87.6 lbs so far!  I have 26.2lbs to go for my goal, and who knows I may go the extra 10lbs from there, we'll see!  So here is my before and so far picture!  Don't mind the current hair, my hairdresser moved and I'm waiting for her to get the house in order to freshen up my color and my cut.


  1. Big difference girl! Great job!!!

    Looking forward to hearing more about your journey on the new plan.

  2. You look AMAZING. Keep up the good work. I know it's not easy, but you're doing the right thing!

  3. Great work. You should be very proud of yourself

  4. HOLY CRAP You look amazing!! Congrats just a little more to go!

  5. Congratulations!! You look beautiful!!

  6. You look terrific! I need to get back on the wagon. I've slacked off this winter and my clothes are definitely reminding me.

  7. Oh my gosh... how healthy you look. You are just glowing!! Beautiful!

  8. Wow! You're doing amazing!!! I'm super excited for you!!! :-)

  9. Congratulations on your weight loss progress. You look great. Thanks for following. Have a great day!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!