Thursday, February 21, 2013

Are you done dieting yet?

While being on this weight loss journey and having a strict diet makes going out fun ... OK not really but hey when it's done I'll be to my happy weight.  Happy to say that after 2 weeks of nothing I'm down 89.2 lbs now ... 1.6lbs not really the # I wanted but hey at least it went down.  Rick I know is looking for the day I don't go to a restaurant with having to give a list of how to cook my food and what items can't be on my plate ... lol.

Call me when you quit dieting.

Hope you all have a fab day!  
I'm feeling  bit under the weather just run down so I might take me a few days to get around to say hi.


  1. Believe me, I get it. Going out can be HARD. Now that I am at my goal weight, I do ease up a bit when I go out, but if I do go "off diet", I know I need to fit in some extra workouts that week to make up for it.

    It's hard, but your hard work is DEFINITELY paying off, so keep it up :)

  2. It's in a good cause. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. 89 pounds is a HUGE accomplishment! Kudos to you!

  4. Are you kidding me? 89 lbs?!? You are AWESOME!

  5. Feel better soon. My choice is always steak and veggies when we go out. It's a new lifestyle not a diet. We can't go back!

  6. 89 pounds?! You should be extremely proud !!
    Feel better soon

  7. 89+ pounds so far? AMAZING! I'm trying to lose 80 pounds myself. It's definitely harder this time around, but wowza! What an inspiration you are!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!