Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jumpstart New York!!

One of my favorite games to have the boys play is a great educational website Jumpstart.   Not only do they have a fabulous website that is kid friendly (worry free for mom), they also have CD's for your computer and video games.  We own so many that I love but the best part is the boys actually ask to use!

Here's a few of what we have:

Jumpstart is always improving and adding new things for the kids, so you don't have to worry about it getting old or boring for the kids.  The newest addition to their website is the characters of Madagascar coming home to New York City!  Now I have never been to New York but I must say it was so cool watching the kids go into this Virtual World and walk around places like Central Park and Times Square.  The boys created their characters and they are off, exploring all of New York.

Caden loves the zoo and all the games and surprises that he found in there!  Cole has become a big fan of Time Square.  We are loving this new world in the Jumpstart educational games.  You are able to add different kids so you can actually let everyone play at the same time on different computers.  Believe me having two boys this is a must to be able to let them play at the same time!  I set up in our dinning room my laptop and Rick's laptop, logged the kids on and they were so excited that they could say hey are you in the zoo?  Then they both try to meet up in the game.  I love that instead of going to watch TV they want to go these online games that teach them Math, Science, ReadingGeography and so many more subjects to choose from.

My boys give Jumpstart 2 thumbs up and mom is excited that their is a great place that helps kids learn and have fun at the same time!  The adventures in the New York addition is fun exciting and gives them so many area's to stop and learn that they will play for as long as mom let's them :).

Here is a short video about Jumpstart New York:

Have fun and enjoy this learning time with your kids, they get excited want you to see what they can do and you love the smiles on their faces as they find learning fun.  Thank you again Jumpstart for making this sometimes difficult time fun, exciting and something they race to do!

Disclosure – The product featured in this review was provided to me free of charge, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. This sounds like a wonderful tool for fun learning for the kids!

  2. Sounds like great fun for the boys. I love how they can "meet" each other online.

  3. I don't let my boys use my laptop yet, so we haven't done any of their online games yet, but we have 2 or 3 of their Wii games and the boys LOVE them!

  4. My Grandson would really like this site. I will show it to his Mom when I see them on Sunday. thanks!!

  5. Ooh! I'll need to try that out on Skyler one of these days. Right now he plays some games I've downloaded on my iPhone and iPad for him. Too bad he's the type of kid who acts like he doesn't know what to do yet when you're "not watching", he gets them all right on the first try!!

  6. Love that they can play at the same time. Awesome!

  7. My boys used to love Jump Start programs. That's neat that your boys can play at the same time!

  8. Is there an age limit do you feel, maybe an age when they grow out of it? Do you ahve to be a member to play online, does it cost? My 2 would probably love this will ahve to check it out. Any tips for online gaming would be greatly appreciated

  9. Those sound like great games for them. Hopefully you can keep them away from the other bad games for years and years!

  10. We used this at one point but it takes up SO much bandwith and memory... I deleted it. :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!