Sunday, February 17, 2013

Summer Birthday? No worries we will celebrate a 1/2 Birthday

Caden is a summer birthday and his teacher is so sweet that she has the class celebrate those with summer birthday on or around their 1/2 birthday.  Last week I was consumed with all the valentine stuff I had to wait an extra week to post what we did.  He picked out Mickey Mouse (which mind you kind of surprised me since he is not that into it as much as Lego's and Star Wars but hey we'll go with it).  

First We start out with the Mickey Mouse cupcakes.  I saw several different version of Mickey Mouse but I came across a few pictures like of a oreo version of Mickey Mouse.  So I ran with it, they turned out so cute!

What you Need:

Oreo's (Double Stuffed)
Red Melts (Wilton)
Black Melts (Wilton)
White Gel Frosting

I melted the red melts in Microwave for 1 1/2 minutes (remember I have burnt chocolate in the microwave before WATCH it).  Dip your oreo into the red, half way to make the bottom part of Mickey.  I let mine dry on some wax paper.  I then melted the edge of a black melt to melt it a bit to be like a glue.  Add two black melts to the top of your oreo (opposite side of the red) for the ears.  I then let them dry again on the wax paper.  I then finished it off with the white gel frosting as two little strips like the buttons on the red.

I made Red Velvet cupcakes and topped with a yellow butter cream frosting.  I then added a oreo cookie to the top of the cupcake to finish it off.  I found some cupcake boxes at Michael's on clearance 3 pack for .99 cents!  Score!!  So I put them in a box for each kid.

So what do you think?  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. Very cute Alexis!! I bet the kids loved them. You sure do go to a lot of work.

  2. I love that idea!!

    Both of my boys have birthday in August, but in school they celebrate all the summer birthdays in June. Hey, as long as they get recognized, that's all I care about.

  3. This is adorable! How cute! I love the half birthday idea for school. My poor son is always going to have a birthday right around the first day of school so that's not always going to be very fun. But we'll celebrate Feb 23 for him too!

  4. That's really cute. I hope he doesn't ask for a trip to see Mickey for his birthday or you'll be driving!

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Wish you could've put one in a box and mailed it to me! ;)
    How thoughtful & wonderful of his teacher to celebrate 1/2 birthdays for kiddos who have summer bdays :) You did a terrific job, Alexis! Happy {belated} half birthday to Caden! :o)


  6. Those are really cute! You have been so busy. I've never used those melts. Are they flavored?

  7. LOVE it!! You did awesome!! As usual!

  8. So cute! Your creations always make me smile.

  9. What a neat idea for the teacher to do half birthdays for the summer birthdays! Blake is always a little bummed that he doesn't get to celebrate his birthday with his friends at school...Feb 28th is coming up, though! Maybe I'll ask his teacher ;-)

    And the Mickey Mouse idea is adorable!! You're SO creative! :-)

  10. I'm totally pinning this to Pinterest! Yes I am!!!!! Mostly because I want to eat a whole package of Oreos! :)

  11. Very cute! Could have used these a few years ago when my oldest had a Mickey themed party! Pinning anyway; you never know!

  12. Super cute! What a great party you had! Love it!

  13. Thanks for linking up all 3 of your Mickey party posts at my Show Off Your Shell Party #5! Such great ideas. That's awesome that his teacher celebrates the summer birthdays!!


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