Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A New Mac & Cheese Recipe (It was a hit)

I've been trying to be better at doing blog hops, it has been helping me meet new bloggers Like Brenda at Chatting Over Chocolate who posted a new yummy Most Requested Crockpot Macaroni and Cheese recipe.  Now I must say at first when I saw the ingredients I was thinking Corn .. hmm that can be interesting.  Then I saw creamed corn ... yup I must say I gagged a bit at that one.  I'm so a crazy texture picky eater and cream corn makes me want to gag ... lol.  BUT I'm on this crazy no carb diet so the meal didn't have to please me it had to please the boys.  This recipe got rave reviews from all three boys.
1 1/2 cups of large elbow macaroni
1 cup Velveeta, cubed
1 can whole kernel corn, undrained
2 cans cream corn, undrained
1 stick of butter/margarine, melted

1. Spray crockpot.
2. Place all of the ingredients in the crockpot.
3. Stir everything together. 
4. Cover and cook on high for 2 1/2 hours.  {Stirring occasionally}

Alexis Note:  I have a thing with noodles in crockpots, so I waited until the last 1/2 hour to add them in so they didn't get soggy.  I also accidentally put in too many noodles so it was a little noodle heavy I'll be better for next time.

Hope you all give this a shot it was a easy recipe to make and the boys loved it, so we'll be making it again!

Linking up to a few parties Pin Me Meme and Festive Friday Fiesta.


  1. Interesting. I never would have thought to add corn into it, but you know - my boys LOVE corn, so they might just like this.

  2. I love cooking in the crock pot,, makes it so easy. Like Robin, I would never have thought of using corn with mac and cheese.

  3. Great way to get the veggies into the boys. This sounds yummy! I love finding new crock pot recipes.

  4. So glad it was a hit with your boys! When you're able to eat carbs again I'm sure you'll love it too ;) Don't be put off by the cream corn the first time you do try it ... it only helps make the dish that much creamier ;) Thanks for linking back to my blog & my original recipe post! :*)
    Have a fabulous day, Alexis!!

  5. double carbs and cheese -- what couldn't be happier to little boys?

    OOOOH to have the metabolism of children.



  6. I bet my son would love this!! He is a mac and cheese fanatic. I will have to try it. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love your blog. Your newest follower. :)


  7. I love mixing corn in mac n cheese, well not anymore since I'm being good, but this looks delish!

  8. If I make this recipe and it's a hit among my guys...(2 kids and 1 grown up hubs) are going to be elevated to sainthood in my books because the all hate creamed corn!...can't even see it at the stores, lol...but what they don't know won't hurt them right...Thanks for posting...pining...would love you to stop by my blog and check it out if you get a chance! Lizy @

  9. This sounds yummy and favorite combo!!! My kids love mac and cheese so I will have to try this recipe!

    I would love for you to come and share this post on my brand new link party...the FESTIVE FRIDAY FIESTA! (ole!)

    Here is the link if you're interested!

    Thanks for sharing this! Have a great weekend!!! =D


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!