Friday, March 8, 2013

Insert Face Palm ... Doing the same Thing over and over

My amazing boss (who if you need a financial adviser he really is the best, he's actually one of the #1 in the US - Plus he's pretty darn amazing ... yes I love my job!) has a report talking about steps to protect your money.  One of the steps is not doing the same thing because it worked before.   Well I totally just found that is true with my diet life!

As most of you know I started doing weight watcher meals and counting points etc March of last year!  After a few months I was down around 28 or so lbs.  Then in August I started a diet that was all protein and very lean meats.  From August to February I was down around 83 lbs.  I was not counting carbs exactly just eating lean meat and some veggies (since veggies have carbs and some are very high).  So I was buying turkey sausages that I loved and had for most dinners, and sometimes even lunch.

Then February I was started to not see a budge on the scale so I saw a doctor here in town to help me loose the last 28lbs.  His plan is all protein and ONLY 20g of carbs, if it moves you can eat it.  If it has roots it's off limits, BUT I could now eat cheese and eggs!  So the first week I lost 4lbs and then NOTHING for 2 weeks.  I was like what the heck is going on, so I switched around what protein bar I ate then lost almost 2lbs.  I thought I had it figured out, but then back to nothing.  I called the doc and he said well the carbs are getting in somewhere, you need to be a detective and find out what carbs you're eating!  What I'm eating everything I should right???  So to the back of the nutrition list I go.
WELL I found that those lovely sausages that are my fav had 3 carbs a piece!! Oh yes so if you have say 3 or 6 (you eat 9g or 18g), then you eat a protein bar and oh yeah some cheese that you thought all cheese was carb free to find this brand actually had 1g carb PER little square!  Oh yeah and those yummy eggs also have 1 to 2g of carbs.  So my 20g Carb allowance was being pushed and doubled ... UGH.  REALLY looking at the back of food so was not on my mind.  How the heck did I think those items where carb free ... anyone say because the internet said so (YUP, I'm so that commercial of that stupid girl that says if the internet says it then it true ... UGH).

So a lesson learned what worked BEFORE does not work in this new diet.  I must watch very close the carbs that I eat and stick to the plan.  Some days you just need to give yourself a face palm!  Here's to a better week and hopefully a down # on this scale.  I so want to hit my goal of 24 more pounds to return to a normal and HEALTHY lifestyle.  AND heck go out to dinner with my husband with out him and the waitress giving me the crazy eye for order just meat!
Happy Friday, Hope you all have a fab weekend! 
Any Special Plans?
I think we have a date!  Boys have a Mad Hatter Sleep over party to go to.
Pictures and items made to come! (UGH mis-spoke that next weekend)!
Man I'm really not with it this week!


  1. I wish I had some advice for you. I don't follow any kind of diet like that - I just keep the portions small, but still eat what I want :) It's the working out that helped me burn those calories.

  2. Keep on plugging away! You will reach your goal.

  3. You will get there, look how amazing you have done. I could never do a low carb just doesn't work for me. I actually do a lean protein (3-4 ounces) every meal, a high sugar carb such as rice, potato and them my greens. I fill up on those greens or beans. Works well for me. Keep going mama!

  4. I found out I was diabetic in December and I have lost 22lbs now. I am so proud of myself. I have 30 more to go to get to my weight goal. I started at 202 and now down to 180. I really want to be back to 150. I havent been at that weight since I had our oldest 12 years ago. LOL.. so good luck and happy carb counting.

  5. You are so dedicated. You will sort it out.

  6. WOW! I have to say you are kind of a rock star!! Not just for finding those hiddens carbs and warning us (sneaky little suckers) but for losing those pounds and eating so clean! Such a tough job. Yeah you!

  7. Yes, it is amazing how quickly those <1-1 or 2 carbs can add up. You are doing great! Now, if I could just motivate myself to get off my butt and do something!

  8. Carbs aren't evil, though.... I certainly hope that once you get to where you want to maintain. You DO maintain.

    You have THE most amazing willpower of anyone I HAVE EVER KNOWN EVER!

  9. So glad you figured out the problem! You're so close to your goal! I'm really excited for you!!! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!