Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner ... Crock-Pot Italian Chicken

This was another simple recipe I made for the boys, it was just for the 3 boys and I knew they wouldn't be wanting left overs so I halved a recipe for Crock-Pot Italian Chicken on The Girl Who Ate Everything.  I even threw the recipe in my mini crockpot to have less to clean!  When it was all done I threw some spaghetti noodles on a plate and topped with the shredded chicken.  It smelled so good I wished I could have just a small bite, but I resisted (stupid diet .. lol).  So it's not the prettiest meal but packed with flavor.

4 chicken breasts
1 packet dry Zesty Italian dressing (Regular is fine but I like zesty better. Sometimes I use a packet and a half.)
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese, softened
1-2 cans cream of chicken soup (depending how cream cheesy you want it)
  1. Place the chicken in a crockpot and sprinkle Italian dressing over it. Combine cream cheese and cream of chicken soup in a small pot over low heat and pour over chicken. Cook on low in the crockpot for at least 4 hours. You can leave it in there all day. Once chicken is done you can leave the chicken breasts whole, cube it, or even shred it. I always cut the breasts into tenderloin size strips.
  2. Once you have cut up the chicken, throw it back in the crockpot and stir into the sauce. If you feel the sauce is too thick you can thin it to your preferred consistency with a little milk. Serve over pasta or rice.

Alexis Notes: I halved the recipe and used my little crock pot.  I put the chicken once it was cooked in my mixer and used the paddle to shred the chicken and put it back in the sauce and mixed it all up.  I served of spaghetti noodles.

Give this one a try it was so simple and you can even put the frozen chicken in and let it go!   You know me anything that makes my life easier is a winner!!  This will be one I make when I can eat real food again :).

What's on your menu tonight?

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. You have some will power there, lady! Even when I was super strict on my diet, I'd have a taste every now and then!

    Awesome recipe btw :)

  2. Kudos to you for being strong enough not to eat what you cook. I have been there done that and it is not an easy thing to do. I did it for health reasons and it has become a way of life.

  3. The pictures looks so delicious. Will try this for my daugther. she loves trying new food

  4. This really sounds good!! I am so glad you are being faithful to your diet!!

  5. I'm sure the boys would like that - chicken, creamy sauce, noodles. What's not to like?

  6. Yummy! Just bookmarked! Please feel free to share with our G+ Community, The Crock Pot Crowd. We welcome posts and recipes from bloggers! :)


  7. So what do you eat when the family eats that? I have been making separate meals myself due to my diet. Tonight I made egg white muffins with spinach, turkey bacon and sauteed onions. Hope they are as tasty as they look and smelled! :)

  8. Soooo, I totally added this to my Plan To Eat recipe list. :) I'll put it in the rotation. :)

  9. This sounds really good!
    We would love it if you would link up at our linky party:
    Two Girls and a Party
    Live every Wednesday to Sunday. Hosted by:
    Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off
    We hope to see you there!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!