Monday, July 1, 2013

Dolphin Cake (Easy Step by Step from 2 round cakes)

My friends daughter was having a dolphin themed party this weekend and instead of buying a gift, I thought it would fun to make her a cake.  I asked my friend if she had already ordered a cake if not can I make it?  They had not to off I went on the search to find the best and easiest dolphin cake I could find. I found many different versions and a lot of them saying you could do it with 2 round cakes but no real step by step.  That was until I came across Something Edible and the great tutorial on how to make a dolphin cake (He included a pdf that you can print cut out and then put together like a puzzle.

What you need:

Bake the 2 round cakes as directed, let cool.  I just had mine cooled but I have heard that they are easier to cut if frozen.  Print the pdf pages from Something Edible.  I then cut out the pieces of paper and laid them on each round cake and got to cutting.  I then like a puzzle piece put them together, each paper was labeled (a,b,c etc).  I then took buttercream frosting and glued the pieces together and dirty iced the top of the cake to be able to put the fondant on.  I rolled out white strips to put on the front of the cake (the stomach & bottom fin of the dolphin , I also made a circle that went up the side for the dolphin.  I rolled out the blue icing and covered the dolphin.  Cutting off the edges and the part that was white.  I took a little black and to a small ball of fondant to make an eye.  I then cut some licorice string to be the eyelashes.  I took some fondant and made letter's to write out Happy Birthday.

Hope you make this for someone special!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. It's really cute. I'm sure she loved it

  2. Awesome cake. What a lovely gift mom!!

  3. This would be the perfect cake for when we go to the beach...

  4. Wow. i am impressed, very classy cake. i'm sure the birthday child was excited!

  5. This looks hard! And awesome...I love dolphins!

  6. Your so sweet. The cake came out so cute! Bet they loved it.

  7. What an awesome cake!! I should try that...the Elementary school I teach at has a dolphin for our mascot! I am so glad you shared at our Summer Bucket List Link Party!
    Hope you have an amazing summer!

  8. Adorable cake! Love dolphins! Thanks for linking up at Give Me the Goods Monday! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  9. Awesome cake! I wish I was good at baking and cake decorating. Thank you for linking up at Submarine Sunday!

  10. You did a fantastic job on this!!! You've got some major skills, girl! ;)

  11. WOW! You really do amazing work! Very neat! :-)

  12. The cake is adorable, you did a great job.

    Thanks for linking up to Throwback Thursday!


  13. So cute! Awesome work. I just love dolphins.

    Thanks for linking up to Throwback Thursday. Looking forward to following you!


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