Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wonder Years they are ...

Last Friday Rick and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary  It has been a whirl wind life.  We were friends for 2 years, my mom said that is the man you'll marry.  I thought she was crazy told her no he is just a friend.  She was right we dated for 2 and then married!  We went to Miami for our honeymoon, because it was so darn cheap (YUP didn't think about hurricane season .. duh). It was a nice place to visit the one time.  We came back to find I was pregnant with our first son Cole!  We then went on the buy a bank-repo house, we got the keys on Christmas Eve.  I was 6 months pregnant and happy to have the new house!  1 month later we actually got to move in due to the work that had to be done to make it livable.  3 years and 3 months later we had baby #2 Caden!  Mom says he is my sweetheart because I wished so hard for a girl.  

We have gone through many different jobs, and our fair share of ups and many downs.  I'm happy to say I'm happy were we are and I'm happy with myself.  I'm not at my goal but I'm so darn close and it's been one heck of a journey to be happy to have pictures taken of us.  

We celebrated with a movie (Grown Ups 2), which I thought was going to be a total Rick movie but I actually enjoyed!  We then had a coupon I picked up for $2 for a $25 GC at a local Italian restaurant.  It worked out perfect the boys were at the boys and girls club until 6p so we hit an early movie. Then the church next to home had a VBS 6p to 8p that allowed us to hit dinner and not have to pay a babysitter!  Talk about happy dance!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  

Our Date Night:
Yes he never smiles in photos.
They made me a special steak and veggie meal! Love them!

Here's some pictures of us:

He's loved me thick, to thin, to thick to thin to thick and back to thin :)


  1. Happy Anniversary! Glad you were able to get in some time alone to celebrate!

  2. Happy Anniversary. Mom always knows best. I'm gald that you were able to celebrate and have some fun. Happy Friday.

  3. Happy, Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!! I so enjoyed reading your story and all of the pics too! <3 Thanks for sharing!! Love ya much, friend :)

  4. Marriage is definitely a journey. Sounds like you had a nice celebration and did it very well on a budget. Happy Anniversary and wishing you a million more :)

  5. First off congrats on 10 years! Tom and I will hit that in December :)

    And second I simply cannot get over how flippin amazing you look!! Seriously girl you are rockin!

    Glad you had a great anniversary. I enjoyed the first Grown Ups I'm kind of wanting to see the second one haha.

  6. Happy Anniversary. May you have many more joyous years together

  7. Happy anniversary! You two look great together. May you have many more wonderful years together. Glad you had a good anniversary date.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Time sure flies, doesn't it!? Rich and I are only a couple years behind you and it's strange to think it's been that long! :-)

  9. so funny cause I always told people that Steve and I were just friends too! Now nearly 14 yrs later we are still here although we have only been married just coming up for 5 yrs, but we are here and that is all that matters, congrats to you both

  10. Congratulations! May your future be full of fun and supporting each other.

  11. How great that you married your BEST FRIEND.... Congratulations to you... Belated.

  12. Congratulations on 10 years! And even more congrats on the weight loss!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!