Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

As I've mentioned in the past I work from home.  I've been extremely blessed to do so, I'm able to work for a company in MA while I live in WA.  The 3 hour time difference makes my world work amazing to keep my life with the kids and doing all the other things that I throw into my world ... lol.

This will be the first time I get to meet my bosses and my co-workers.  I've been blessed working for them for around 6 or so years now.   With kids and life it is not easy to just pick up and go visit so it is such a blessing with Rick's sch, friends and my parents that the kids are going to be taken care of.  I leave next Tuesday and will fly back Saturday night.

Usually my daily clothing is yoga pants, so this means I need new clothing!  My old dress clothes when I worked outside of the home I have donated since I have lost 100+ lbs since then.  I have been on the hunt for the perfect outfits.  Fingers crossed I think I found what I needed.  Maybe I can get a few pics of me in the outfits to see what you all think!  Fingers crossed I don't forget anything or loose my mind in the process!

Wish me Luck I'm not the best flyer!
But hey at least this time I will fit in the seat belt!


  1. Have a blast!!! You will love having a mommy break. We all need them!!

  2. Have a blast!!! You will love having a mommy break. We all need them!!

  3. So you're coming to MA?? Where? Will you have time to meet up for a healthy snack??

  4. Oh hope you have a wonderful time. Maybe even have time to read a book on the plane :)

  5. I hope you have the best time on your little adventure!

  6. How fun this is going to be... work or not.. and you get some new clothes out of the deal

  7. Enjoy your adventure - even if it is meeting work folks. Sometimes a change of scenery is amazing! You look great. :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!