Wednesday, September 4, 2013

You work from home ..

As many of you know I work from home thankfully I work for a company in a state on the other side of the country so it's 3 hour time difference.  Most of the time people are sleeping or out of the house but sometimes it like spinning plates with the house, kids and work.  I saw this post of one of my dear friend's FB page and chuckled (she also works from home).

Thought we all could use a good laugh!

It's crazy busy here we have now entered the juggling act of:
School, Flag Football, Church and Mom's Zumba
Pray for me ... LOL I need it!


  1. I work from home, too, and that is EXACTLY what it's like.

  2. It is really awesome that you are able to work from home. I know that all jobs are hard and you should be proud of yourself for doing both, working and parenting. It's so good for the boys too!

  3. That is so my husband. He's worked from home for two years now and is relieved that the little one has started school. Although he's a bit lost now that his play buddy is gone. =)

    It's such a cool experience to have him home full time. I know how much of a blessing htat is.

  4. haha! Thanks for sharing!! I give you tons of credit for working at home. You're a great mom. :)

  5. I have a neighbor that works at home for a company in California. She has to work late since the time difference is 3 hours.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!