Sunday, October 13, 2013

Angry Bird Lunch - Pig Style

I've seen all over Pinterest several versions and thought why not give my hand at some Angry Bird lunches for the boys.  I saw several versions and forgive me I just kind of ran with it and used some here and there of the idea's but I didn't write down who had the idea, so forgive me for plagiarizing on the lunch idea.

This was a VERY simple one to do, my pig came out cute.  I did use my brown Wilton Candy writer to make his nostrils and I must have pressed too hard on one side since it is very brown ... oh well life right?

What you Need:

Sandwich (I made PB&J)
Babybel Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese Slice
Circle Cutter (I used one of my cupcake filler hole maker .. yup its technical terms)
Wilton Candy Eyes
Wilton Candy Writer (brown)

Make Sandwich cut into 1/3, place in lunch box to look like the towers in Angry Bird game.  Unwrap Babybel Cheese, I kind of squished it to make it oval instead of a circle.  I then took my cupcake tool I use to remove the centers to make the nose and did the same thing squished it to be oval instead of round.  I place it in the center with 2 Wilton Candy Eye's on each side.  I took my brown Wilton Candy writer to make nostrils (be careful not to press to hard or it will look too dark like mine).  Put the pig in the middle of the towers! I added some Angry Bird Cheese Nips and Carrots!

Another simple one to make!

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!