Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things that make you laugh ....

So I went to the doctor since I'm not loosing any weight and have gained some since I have reintroduced carbs and sugar.  Eating a normal but smaller portions, trying to stick to a Weight Watcher system.  I just have been feeling a little blah lately even with my working out, so I went to see the doctor and of course all my test comes back normal.  Ugh so I will just keep plugging forward.  Today I need a laugh it's been a rough week so I thought I would share a funny with you!!

Hope you all laugh and have a great day!


  1. With all the working out you do, my guess is you're building muscle mass which weighs more. :) And that 'funny' is funny! :)

  2. Love the joke and I've been stuck too! I hate plateaus and I am forever and always on them!!! Remember that you did an amazing and have to be very proud of yourself.

  3. I have one of those creatures in my closet too,. LOL

  4. Haha. That is so true :) hang in there Alexis ! Better days are ahead :)

  5. I have lots of calorie creatures in my closet!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!