Sunday, January 5, 2014

Unique Gift Time ... Fort Kit (Boy Birthday Gift)

This past weekend we had 2 parties to go to, I wanted to make something fun and not just the normal store bought gift. I googled boy gifts dyi and came across a few sites with Fort Kits (I'll link to one I found on The Painted Home, ton of them on the net and I'm sure I'm not linking to the person who created it but I've had enough nasty grams so I'm linking what I found lol), simple enough to make.  I then printed a tag to attach to the bag that I found on a cool tag on All for the Boys that I printed on card stock and attached with ribbon.

This was a simple but such a cool gift, was a huge hit (well at least with the mom's around who saw it, I bet the kids later will be thinking it was cool).

- 2 twin top-sheets
- Rope
- Clothespins/Clips
- Suction Cups
- Glow-sticks
- Notebook
- Batteries to put in Flashlight
- Treats (Beef Jerky & Cookies etc)
- Bag to put everything in! 

ALEXIS NOTES: I bought one sheet ($7.99 at Fred Meyers), the rest of the items I found at the Dollar Tree.  Gift cost around $20.00.  Put all items in the bag (I found a laundry bag it was perfect).  I tied it with a ribbon and added my printable tag I found and ready to gift!

Happy New Year!

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE


  1. Seriously, Alexis. You KNOW what kids love to do, eat and play with. You coulda been a teacher!

  2. Yup, this is perfect for little boys. My two would LOVE this.

  3. Such a clever gift. I'm sure the boy who got it will love it

  4. You always post the coolest ideas! This is an awesome gift idea!!!!!
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. This is def. a cute and unique idea! I've pinned it to 'steal' one day :-)

  6. I love your ideas! So fun! I can see girls even thinking this is great! At least Morgan would :-)

  7. you can send them a surprise gift from , i've used them like 5 times and it's real cool and the surprise gifts are very nice

  8. This is such a fun idea! Love this for birthday gifts. Pinning! Found your post at the Pin Me linky party. :)

  9. I love this so much! Adorable! Visiting today from Diana Ramble's Pin Me Party! Pinning! Join me on my new blog- I am the author of Piggy In Polka Dots but all new content will now be on PaperCharm.



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