Thursday, March 6, 2014

Achievements when you can Focus

Most of you know it has been hard for Cole in school focusing and being productive with school work and listening.  We made the switch to ADHD medicine early (which was a hard decision), no nasty comments please.  I'm so happy to see him now when He comes home with stories of how good class was.  He comes home instead of sad he keep getting in trouble that he was a star listener or a one timer for the day.  

To get compliments from the teacher on the great improvement she see's in him and his work is just amazing. Then last week with his science project being a hit, he received the coveted Honorable Mention (they don't do 1st place).

THEN to get a student of the month award.  His teacher came up to tell me that the award was for his improvement in behavior, writing and math!  

I'm so proud of this little man!  It's been a long tough road trying many different things and to see such great improvement and the joy he has about school is all worth it!


  1. That's fantastic! Give him high fives from the farm.

  2. woohooo! That's awesome! He's worked hard, and so have you. Being an advocate for your child and constantly searching for what works for your child isn't easy, but all the stress was probably worth it to see that smile on his little face! I bet his confidence has sky-rocketed and that will take him far.

  3. Well this is excellent news and nothing better than a child feeling good about himself. So glad the medication is helping him.

  4. This is wonderful news!! Congrats to Cole!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!